I don't mind that one. When you answer surveys like that you're typically goofing around, and anyone you isolate typically takes it as praise, that you're thinking about them. One girl I went to college with continues to send me off the wall online surveys in which she invariably answers my name at least once. Initially I answered the questions honestly, and seldom if ever included her. Then I realized she was hurt, so now I make sure to name her at least once, even if it doesn't really fit.
Based on evidence like this, I don't doubt that Incognito thought he and Martin were friends. My opposition to Incognito is more general. As I've posted countless times, the current and recent Dolphins don't remind me of the smart dedicated group I grew up with 40+ years ago. I blame Jeff Ireland at this point in time. Tape is only a fraction of the evaluation. If it takes a jolt like this to clean up the roster, that's fantastic.