FYI: Deleted Posts... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

FYI: Deleted Posts...


FinHeaven Lives
Sep 2, 2001
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
In order to hopefully make the forums run a little faster, I deleted all posts in this forum that are older than 50 days.

From what I've read, people DO NOT go down on their post count.

I did this because I heard that it may speed it up, and people really don't need posts that are that old, do they?

Also, just to let you know. A new design for the site and boards are coming! As well as a new host. I'll let you know when all the action will begin...

For the newbies, ask around, I change the site design every year, and I'm continually working on improving the site and boards. If there is something that you feel should be done to make the site or boards a better place, let me know!
Originally posted by FinHeavenAJ
From what I've read, people DO NOT go down on their post count.
They better not :rolleyes: ;) , what title do I get when I reach 2000 ? :lol: :lol:

Great Job AJ ! :D


Originally posted by FinHeavenAJ
people really don't need posts that are that old, do they?

w/b nice to go back to Aug and find all those prediction threads for the team and Jay.
AJ - PLEASE DO NOT delete the Tailgate Party thread no matter how old it gets. I use that as a reference for the planning.

Thanx :)
this board is great - at this point (1900 posts or so), it is perfect :D :cool:
Re: 39

Originally posted by dolfan06
you get to go for 3000! pretty awesome huh?
I'll be there in no time :rolleyes: - I change my titles anyway ;)
Vintage 2000 Lamar

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