FYI: Wes Welker blew out his knee... | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

FYI: Wes Welker blew out his knee...

I really do wish the best for Welker. I guess I'm still disappointed he went to the Pats. And my coworker Pats fan who laughed about Ronnie going down doesn't help my attitude. I should not sink to that level.

I hope he comes back as strong as ever and burns us and every team in the league for years. That's his rightful place.

He can burn any other team but the Phins!
He's one tough little's hoping he has a full recovery.

HOUSTON -- Initial tests show that New England Patriots receiver Wes Welker tore both his anterior cruciate ligament and medial collateral ligament in his left knee in Sunday's loss to the Houston Texans, but he is scheduled to undergo more testing Monday, a source close to the situation told ESPN NFL Insider Adam Schefter.

He plays for the pats, therefore This is good news :)
I've made no secret of my disdain for Wes - both as a player and what I know about his personality. I even got into an unfortunate exchange with one poster a couple of months ago when I felt he called my intelligence into question just because I stated that Welker's success with the Pats can at least partly be attributed to having the benefit of playing on the other side of the field from Moss.

With that being said, I take no joy in seeing anyone seriously injured. I really do hope he makes a full recovery and comes back in top shape next year. It's ironic that the "tackle" on the play where Wes went down was credited to Bernard Pollard no? That guy is bad news for the Pats lol.
Plenty of unnecessary comments in this thread, many from surprising sources.

Welker is a very rare player who essentially has redefined a position in a changing league. As much as I prefer the running game I can't help from admiring Welker every week. If every player had an effort meter attached, Welker would easily be in the top 2%.

Are we really damaged by a few words? Someone who has been doubted and jettisoned as often as Welker naturally will have a chip on his shoulder.

I hope he comes back as strong as ever and burns us and every team in the league for years. That's his rightful place.

When somone turns their back on me, I turn my back on them. Simple as that. I don't wish injury upon him, but, I'm not sorry he's hurt.

Did you really just say you hope a player for another team burns us?

Nice loyalty.
Won't be rooting for the Patriots by any means but sucks to see a Pro Bowl WR go down in a meaningless game and missing out on playoffs. No clue who is going to win BAL/NE now, definitely changes a lot.
When somone turns their back on me, I turn my back on them. Simple as that. I don't wish injury upon him, but, I'm not sorry he's hurt.

Did you really just say you hope a player for another team burns us?

Nice loyalty.

I feel the same way. I really am sorry the guy got hurt but I've never understood the mentality of the Welker groupies lol. It's one thing to say you loved the guy as a Fin and you miss him, but to go as far as wishing that he'll come back and teach us a lesson? Those people need to find their way to the Pats forum in my opinion.:3w:
Welker couldnt wait to hit the press with ''i hated being in miami and wanted always first to goto NE''

For this...i dislike him and also it was that he went to the New England scummers........bad choice from our coaches but when he cameout with that.... i was glad he went! Not fussed he is injured. be good to see the ravens kick some *** next week. maybe give brady a few digs too.... let them rehab together!

oh next season will be sweet. welker will never be the same again. :0)
If he were zack thomas, I might feel bad, but he's not. So BUH BYE to a division rival's receiver
They offered him a ton of cash for being an undrafted FA. And ultimately he was traded, so he had no final say.

I can't stand Wes because he pulled a b---h move. I don't hate him for going to a place where he will have a larger role and make more money, but it's the fact he acts like we were never good enough, spits in our face, and disses us whenever he can. We did nothing bad to this guy, in fact, we gave him his shot AND he was loved by the fans. He had the utmost respect and gratitude from Dolfan Nation because he played hard in adversity. Then he goes to NE and gets high on his horse and spits in our face. Wes needs a lesson in manners if you ask me, it's clear his parents never gave him one.

IMO, this guy will be out of football in 3 years. He takes way too many shots and runs around crazy out there. He'll be another Al Toon or Wayne Chrebet.

That's what I said here a few weeks back when we beat NE and Welker was bitching on the sideline. Yesterday when I saw him get injured I laughed, and said to myself..."Sucks for you, d-bag. Maybe you'd like to talk some sh#t now, or act like a ****y jerkoff?" Don't feel bad for him at all folks, he'll live. His Dr. bills get paid for by a team, he'll get the best medical care you can get for that injury due to his occupation and its incident rate, plus he's a millionaire.
I could care less that he is hurt.. The little b******.. How can you have sympathy for a piece of **** like him who admitted that while he was a dolphin, he dreamed of playing for the Rats and would look over to their sideline and wish he was stnading there than on the Dolphin side.. He's an arrogant scumbag.. I could care less that he got injured.
if 50 more recievers get hurt ginn can go to the probowl, wait make that 65.
Oh well, Hope he never plays again :)

He forgot where he came from anyway. You dont insult the people who found you and gave your your first chance to develop you as a player. I have no respect for a dirtbag like him.

He's always barking or running his mouth on the sideline....without Moss he's nothing. Get over it wes.

Carma's a *****...Have fun watching little man.
Its gonna take him awhile to recover from that injury...The Pats will not be the same next season without him...
i believe this thread is in the wrong place. Forum says "Dolphins Football" and wes is not included in that frase. At this point of the season, it doesn't even have anything to do with us.

It's always bad to see someone going down, but honestly, it doesn't change anything to me, altough im happy that NE won't go far.
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