Gase: Cracked the offensive code | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Gase: Cracked the offensive code


Club Member
Jan 5, 2007
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Los Angeles

How awesome is it to read stuff like this? A coach with some plain ol logic. Removing plays that won't work in the current weather. I know we have all be there when a new coach is here and we have high hopes. But so far I like what I see of Gase. Yes it will take time but I hope we are trending at the right direction.
I am really, really trying not to be pointlessly negative, but in a year or two I hope this thread is not darkly ironic..
very interesting article
This thread is just asking for it if we don't score much against Seattle and NE in the first two games.
Meanwhile, Ryan Tannehill will visit with Gase early in the week and brainstorm. That’s a shift from Tannehill’s time with Philbin, who didn’t regularly ask for his quarterback’s help.

“He'll have a plan of what he wants to attack, and he's made it clear that if I have any input or insight on things I saw on tape, then he's more than willing to hear it and put it in the game plan if it fits,” Tannehill added.

Imagine asking your QB for input, such a novel idea...
The truth is that Gase had success in Denver and some in Chicago. To me that translates into infinite positives as our HC /Play caller. All of his experience is now directed on this team. We have needed this guidance for years. Watching Philbin walk around and give confused looks to everyone was a confidence killer for me about this team' success. Now, I see a very much involved HC putting so much time and energy into this team. He truly is investing himself in this offense. I feel Gase is addicted to perfection and success, and as a long time fan, I'm very excited to see him run this team.
1 good thing I like about Gase is we are going to have situatuonal awareness it looks like. If we come up a yard short on 2nd down we quickly run a QB sneak on 3rd down to convert before the defense gets set. Or how about running a play quickly before the previous play can be challenged? We have missed those types of plays for years
Just show me the touchdowns baby just show me the touchdowns
Imagine asking your QB for input, such a novel idea...

That's a great quote and just shows how inept the old staff was

---------- Post added at 11:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:33 AM ----------

1 good thing I like about Gase is we are going to have situatuonal awareness it looks like. If we come up a yard short on 2nd down we quickly run a QB sneak on 3rd down to convert before the defense gets set. Or how about running a play quickly before the previous play can be challenged? We have missed those types of plays for years

Let's just call a timeout for the opposing defense instead?
He is no doubt what we need as an offensive guru, but I'll just state the obvious and say there's more to being a HC than designing the offensive gameplan and calling plays. So far signs are positive but the proof will be on Sundays.
I can't stop getting excited about this guy.

Like a kid on Christmas Eve. I get to watch a dominat offense on Saturdays. It'll be awesome to watch one on Sunday's too.
(Cracking the Code) ..Belichick is transmitting a secret code through our satellite system...they are using our satellite's against us...

Gase is our Levinson...;)

(Independence Day)
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