Gase Needs to... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Gase Needs to...


It's Only Happened ONCE!
May 18, 2004
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Gase better see the writing on the wall pronto–if he wants to be back in 2019
In conclusion, here’s PhinsNews home-brewed list of mistakes Gase must remedy

  • Stop signing veteran players that are far removed from their best days.
  • Ditch the “strategy” of paying players high guaranteed money.
  • Forget project players in your top 4 picks.
  • Start thinking like an HC and stop acting like an OC.
  • Drop the music in practices and talking trash with your players.
  • Layoff being the players peer and start being their leader.
  • End being silent when a player commits a penalty.
  • Halt being soft on players who cross the line… no matter who they are.
  • Put a screeching halt to arguing with players like an OC.
  • Quit choosing pedigree and talent over committed, hard working, and smart.
  • Most of all, stop hiring friends and start hiring the best.
More at LINK:

I agree! Your thoughts...
I crap on Gase as much as anybody but a few of those things are above his head such as player acquisition and terms of the contract.

I'm happy he's making coaching changes as I didn't think he would and the new hires look good. I agree he needs to address penalties but play calling is his thing and he needs to have somebody address this if he's buried in the play book during games.

No problem with him lighting up players during the game, i think he needs to do it more esp with chronic offenders with penalties.

I thought he would leave coaching crew as is but it was addressed and I respect that. I look forward to what he does this year.
I wonder how “real” some of that stuff is like being too friendly w the players etc.
Gase better see the writing on the wall pronto–if he wants to be back in 2019
In conclusion, here’s PhinsNews home-brewed list of mistakes Gase must remedy

  • Stop signing veteran players that are far removed from their best days.
  • Ditch the “strategy” of paying players high guaranteed money.
  • Forget project players in your top 4 picks.
  • Start thinking like an HC and stop acting like an OC.
  • Drop the music in practices and talking trash with your players.
  • Layoff being the players peer and start being their leader.
  • End being silent when a player commits a penalty.
  • Halt being soft on players who cross the line… no matter who they are.
  • Put a screeching halt to arguing with players like an OC.
  • Quit choosing pedigree and talent over committed, hard working, and smart.
  • Most of all, stop hiring friends and start hiring the best.
More at LINK:

I agree! Your thoughts...

  1. The GMs job and their mistake if a mistake was made
  2. We all talk about that here on the boards, but where is the proof that that's whats being discussed / ordered in the meetings with the big 3?
  3. See #1
  4. Your proffer that this is happening, other than he calls the plays (something other HCs do too)
  5. Oy -- because that's what wins the game
  6. Wait, wasn't #5 all about talking trash to be one of the guys
  7. When: at the Coaches interview, on the sidelines, or in the game review behind closed doors that you don't have any insight into?
  8. Didn't he let players go in the middle of the season last year and TRADE our star running back when he had a enough from him?
  9. Please give examples and look back at your bullet number 5 where you argued for this kind of behavior
  10. See #1
  11. You are confusing hiring people he has an existing working relationship with as a friendship. As an experienced manage with a span of control over 100's of people, if needed to change out over 1/3 of my management team and have everything glued together in 3 or 4 months, you're damned right I would pick people that I know, trust, and know how to work with so I could focus on the changes I want from the people who do the real work. That's just common sense and de-risking the entire exercise. Think about it: what do you want Gase focusing on for the next 3 months: trying to figure out how to work with 8 new superstars (as if there are that many out there) or spending his time installing the plan for less penalties, installing the new/revised playbook, and overall getting the team ready to win?
My thoughts are:
This was a list of superficial observations that's typical on the board. Our team sucked and everyone wants a head on a post. There is a reason that non-head coaches move around every couple of years and seem to pretty much land on their feet with rare exception. Coaching is a 20 hour, 7 day a week job and spending any time working on managing your coaches instead of your players is lost time that can never gotten back.
We are going to win the Super Bowl next year due to the changes in the coaching staff................. And if the starting QB does not get injured........................:)
We are going to win the Super Bowl next year due to the changes in the coaching staff................. And if the starting QB does not get injured........................:)
Whatever you're on...I want some
It is as long as progress is being made. That being said I think the coaching staff being addressed as well as player retention and acquisition will be telling for the upcoming season. If we continue with all the penalties, slow starts and poor development of players I think he may be out in 19 cause Ross is no baffoon and has shown the propensity to be sneaky if he wants somebody. Time will tell, hope Gase is the next great one.
We are going to win the Super Bowl next year due to the changes in the coaching staff................. And if the starting QB does not get injured........................:)

Sure, why the hell not. If Jax can lift itself from the dregs of the AFC and get to within a game of the SB, then why not us in '18.
Get over his ego. Like Parcels first year we went to the playoffs, and both guys got sold they were the reason, not our players. In reality we got lucky both times first time we surprised the league with Bill Parcells using the wildcat and last year Jay Ajayi emerged as a surprise. So I am looking forward to this next year after we ditch Laundry and Jay Ajayi to see if Gase and his ego as a great coach that he thinks he is a reality now with his own chosen players and coaches or he is just another imposter in a long line of coaches since Shula was run out of town by the media and fans.
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