Q: From the time youfirst watched tape of RT, what’s one thing that has impressed you or you didn’t expector he’s doing even better than you thought?
A: I guess, I don’tknow how many people could have told me how tough he was. I guess until you actually watch a guy gethit the way he’s been hit, you don’t realize how that’s the truth. He really does do an unbelievable job as faras bouncing back.
Obviously we don’twant him taking half the hits he takes, but there’s something to be said abouta guy who’s available every week. Hestands in there and he wants to deliver the ball and he wants to get the bigplay all the time. He’s not afraid tostand in there with guys bearing down on him he’s going to do all he can to getthe ball up and over them and stand in there and take a shot.