Gators to unveil new Uniforms | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Gators to unveil new Uniforms

Yeah, not exactly what I was hoping for, but they're WINNING! Thats all that matters!
SpeedRush99 said:
Yeah, not exactly what I was hoping for, but they're WINNING! Thats all that matters!

I wouldnt care if OU wore pink/green combo, but if tehyw on everything who gives a $hit? :D
Speaking of ugly I'd take the Gators uni over those hideous Canes ones! YUCK!
kastofsna120 said:
throwback unis > metrosexual 80s different sleeve colors

School Tradition > Big Company Marketing

The whole colored shoulder thing is a Nike marketing ploy to promote their "under-armor". VT had the same thing the other night.
ugly just plain ugly but ill take these uniforms then the throwback uniforms the canes had ont those look like practice unifroms
Damn those are ugly. But the only thing that counts is that they won in them.
The shoulder combo thing was horrible for VT. Can't wait to see the horrendous things of the Gators.
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