Get A Handle On Your Site | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Get A Handle On Your Site


Practice Squad
Mar 3, 2002
Reaction score
Hamilton, Ontario
This site is slowly going to hell in a handbasket. You guys need to hire more mods or whatever it takes to knock out the bad element and get a handle on all the insulting going around.
I hear ya man, but I'm sure they're trying.

I'm afraid this site has become too big. It's impossible to keep up with. 50% of the threads are garbage. Most of the noobies are horrible. Something needs to done.

Don't get me wrong, I still love the site, but the quality of the posts have definitely gone down since Ricky's retirement (when all the noobies joined).
LIQUID24 said:
I hear ya man, but I'm sure they're trying.

I'm afraid this site has become too big. It's impossible to keep up with. 50% of the threads are garbage. Most of the noobies are horrible. Something needs to done.

Don't get me wrong, I still love the site, but the quality of the posts have definitely gone down since Ricky's retirement (when all the noobies joined).

Newbs post either the same thing 16 times or post moronic 4 word sentences. It's rather sickening. We're here to have thoughtful conversations. If you want stupidity, go to the Depths board.
Right now they are being overwhelmed with crap....It's disgusting.
Maybe it's time to close sign up for new accounts?

The new sticky helps. I barely have enough time to post more then 20 times in a week now and it gets less with more of the crap that gets spewed. Find half the time I'm letting myself get dragged into more terse commentary then I'm used to when you see that left right and center.
Most of the staff, myself included, was out of town since mid-last week. And with two brand new mods on board, things were tough on the site I suppose. Very rare occurance.

The site isn't going anywhere. Thanks for your concern. Things are under control now that the law has come back home.
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