Gilbert Arenas calls Miami 'Planet of the Apes' | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Gilbert Arenas calls Miami 'Planet of the Apes'


FinHeaven Elite
Jul 30, 2004
Reaction score
Huntsville, AL
The first tweet on @agentzeroshow was published on Tuesday night.

The three-word tweet — "lets go mavsssss" — was a reference to the NBA Finals matchup between the Dallas Mavericks and the Miami Heat. The Mavericks' roster includes three of Arenas' former Washington Wizards teammates: Brendan Haywood, DeShawn Stevenson andCaron Butler.

The next message read: "well..they get my support do to default of me gettn ran out of miami this weekend do to invasion of planet of the apes".

Followed by: "if yall were in miami this weekend you understand when i say planet of the apes ..ive never seen so many ugly people in one state in my life".

A few other tweets include four-letter words or variations of those words.,0,7072075.story
This guy just does not know when or how to shut up...
Wait, wait, wait, wait....Doesn't he play here in the state of Florida....Or should I say doesn't he take up cap space here in the state of Florida?

I don't know where he went but South Beach has got some beautiful a$$ women, literaly and figuratively.
There is going to be a Planet of the Apes' movie out later this Summer. The previews look awesome.
Just FYI.
It was "Urban Beach Weekend - a big annual turnout with visitors flocking to SoBe from all over the country to party. Some rowdiness and arrests, but nothing too unusual when a large cluster of people anxious to party come together.

That's actually pretty racist coming from him; is he a self-hating black guy??

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