Glazer: Ken Whisenhunt NEW CARDINALS Coach; WH picks up Mora | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Glazer: Ken Whisenhunt NEW CARDINALS Coach; WH picks up Mora


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May 20, 2002
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Mora will be our first interview.. Huzienga sent his jet to Atlanta to pick him up..

Whisenhunt is off the market.. :boohoo:

Go make a BRIAN SHOTTY avy, my dude!
I hope Shotty is given a second interview. Didn't Mort say that? or did he say they were very interested in him?

Mort said Tomlin and Schotty both got interviews. A couple floridian news sources have said that only Schotty has gotten a 2nd interview.
Glazer is usually very good with his information. But saw on a few outlets that Tomlin was getting his 2nd interview tomorrow while Schotty will get his Tuesday.

Mortenson has been wrong in the past...But these two guys are the best when it comes to breaking news/information. Not sure what to think...
You gotta be ****ten me with Mora...look what he did with the Falcons!!

Expect miami to not win anything for another 10 years.
yeah, i was surprised to hear glazer say they were flying mora in for their 1st 2nd interview out of all their candidates... glazer sure made it sound like mora was the guy for the phins
According to FlightAware the plane hasn't left the runway.
How did Mora sneak in? He better not be our number one choice. Isnt this the guy who wantwed to coach Washington University? Wayne are you listening?
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