GM sticks to plan | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

GM sticks to plan

I agree witht he article it is all in how you look at what it takes to be successful.dolfanreal69
Good article. I can't wait to see what Speilman can do with a decent amount of draft picks and perhaps some trade bait at a position or two.

I feel very good about the team being in his hands.
Rick did exactly what the best GM's in the league have been doing stay true to your board. Look at Jax this year they took Greg Jones when they have Fred Taylor who hasnt been injured in 2 years, Why? because he was the best player on the Jags board at the time. Thats what RS did and for that I applaud him, by doing this we will be able to use for instance Madison next year as trade bait to move up with our three corners still there.
Fins2theend said:
Rick did exactly what the best GM's in the league have been doing stay true to your board. Look at Jax this year they took Greg Jones when they have Fred Taylor who hasnt been injured in 2 years, Why? because he was the best player on the Jags board at the time.

Exactly. Second year Jags GM James Harris is from the Baltimore organization. And he did exactly what Ozzie Newsome and Phil Savage have been doing for years up there. They stay true to their board.
I'm totaly happy with what Rick did too. Of course I'd have love to get a WR but we now have the best 1to 4 set of corners in the entire NFL, 2 LB's that love to hit and 3 o-linemen with lots of upside.Great job Rick.

Ozzy rules!!
I can atleast say some do learn from past mistakes, good move to make Speilman the GM.
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