Go Buffalo!!!! | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Go Buffalo!!!!


May 2, 2002
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Hey guys just popping in to say hello!

Wow a game that means something between us, albeit neither of our teams have a good shot but at least there is a chance. Good to see both teams turn things around. It will be interesting to see if our revamped line can stop JT and crew. Glad Ronnie B is out. I don't have a prediction as it should be a close game that could go either way.

Indications are the weather shouldn't really be that bad for a December game. 45-50 degrees and light rain.

Good luck but we are going to send you guys packing !
How are you so sure? We beat the fins early on and have looked great lately. Not saying we can't lose but I wouldn't be confident.
I agree as I will be there and I don't want to freeze my balls off! The Sandiego game was FREEZING!!!
close game but the fins will pull it off.....i think we've been playing better than you guys have
Why do you think that?

We lost to Indy by 1, We lost to San Diego by only 3. We beat the Jags and the Jets.

Not saying you guys aren't also playing just as well. It is hard to make the call as to who is better.
It will tough for both teams on offense in my opinion. A low scoring game, with field position / turnovers playing a major factor. It will be a close game, and could go either way. Good Luck....

PHINZ - 20

BILLS - 16

I agree as I will be there and I don't want to freeze my balls off! The Sandiego game was FREEZING!!!
Whatever the result it will be a close glame. Fins 17 Bills 14.:D
It should be a good game, Morris has done a nice job of filling in for Ronnie and your Run D isn't he best in the league. Good luck this Sunday, its nice to seea Bills fan who isn't a troll.
Why do you think that?

We lost to Indy by 1, We lost to San Diego by only 3. We beat the Jags and the Jets.

Not saying you guys aren't also playing just as well. It is hard to make the call as to who is better.

It is hard, good thing there's a game this weekend :evil: .

If Losman isn't already acquainted with number 99 he will be soon.
Barfalo is going down... It will be a close game but Miami wins!

Miami 20
Barfalo 13
Why do you think that?

We lost to Indy by 1, We lost to San Diego by only 3. We beat the Jags and the Jets.

Not saying you guys aren't also playing just as well. It is hard to make the call as to who is better.
What are FinFans suppose to say. "Okay the bills are the best team,The Dolphins shouldn't even waste there time in showing up for this game because the Bills are the best team." Come on this is our site and we believe in our team just like you guys do on your site. A true Dolphin fan isn't going to say that any team is going to beat us. Untill it happens. We lost games that we now know we should of won. But thats life in the NFL.
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