Golfweek editor replaced over noose cover | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Golfweek editor replaced over noose cover

I am split on this issue. I can see both sides, or quess about both sides.

1) Magazine wants to draw attention and get readers to buy and read the article
2) It could have got its point across without simply using a Noose as the only graphic - specific to what caused the incident with Golf Channel ref to Tiger Woods domination of the sport, etc
3) The noose and its usage to illicit old attitudes for whatever reason is making a comback across the US on college and HS campuses. Sad really. Add that to the comments by Tilghman and the image was the quick way to consolidate what has been taking place and tie it directly to this golf story.

So again, can see why the Editor and Magazine went with it, and can see why Finchem was frustrated by its usage.
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