Good luck Canes ! | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Good luck Canes !


Maria & LauRen Aha!
Sep 4, 2001
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despite having a good friend from Lincoln and being a USC fan historically, I will be rooting for the guys in the uniforms that sort of look like the Fins and not the guys in the uniforms that sort of looks like the Cardinals (''87 are there any Cardinals - the bird - in Arizona).

Go Canes !
CANES WILL DOMINATE!! They brought a KEG of WHOOP ASS and they're gonna drain that bitch on the Cornhuskers misery.:evil: See y'all after the game.GO MIAMI!!!!!! :cool: :evil: :cool: :evil: :cool:
The Canes have been dominating so far. 34-0, this is amazing!! It is better than I thought it would be. GO CANES!
Holy **** :eek: You guys are rollin :p I have one word to say that best describes the Canes right now....WOW!!!! Way to go Champions ;) :D
I just lit my Roman Candles

We did it! NATIONAL CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!! It's a beautiful thing.:D We kicked ass! Totally awesome, Spicoli style.....:cool: Here's to the New Heroes of Football!!!!:D
of course that's gonna happen dude

Brock is transferring to UM and Dorsey will stay another year and win another National Championship:D
does anybody really...............

believe nebraska belonged in that game. hell, oregon kicked the crap out of the team that beat nebraska silly!:rolleyes:
anybody who think the Fins playcalling is conservative - Neb is running options practically every down when they are down 34-0. :lol:
thats because.....................

Neb is running options practically every down when they are down 34-0.

their leading rusher had to be the QB. they knew their passing game sucked!:D
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