Good luck JT! Thanks for all the good times | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Good luck JT! Thanks for all the good times


Hall Of Famer
Sep 3, 2001
Reaction score
I hope that you read this and know that Phin fans will always love you. :)
One of the best players ever to suit up as a Fin. Best of luck for the rest of JT's career and retirement!!!
JT thx for everything. There's nothing more I loved then seeing, #99 get a sack. GL JT Dolphin nation will miss you....
I hope JT plays like crap for a few reasons.
1. I hate the Redskins and dont want to see them good.
2. I think JT turned into an ******* last season.
3. All the Bull**** he pulled this offseason.
4. Did I mention he was a Redskin?
Man, I was really hoping he would return to make Jake Long a great LT. Plus how do you replace a star like JT? Kinda wish we had of paid Ogunleye now.
Good luck, JT. In spite of some of the fools around here, you will be greatly missed...
I agree with the first 3 posts.

SarahAnn, got your panties in a bunch? What BS did JT pull exactly? I don't mean to sound rude but, you're hating on a farewell to JT thread, not cool

Good Luck JT!
Same here. I wish him the best and thank JT for at times being the only exciting part of this team. I'll keep my eyes peeled for you in "The Mummy: Tutankhamun's Gold." :sidelol:
Peace out, Jason. Don't let the door hit ya, where the good Lord split ya!
Mods. Can we please cut this type of BS out immediately. JT had a right to do what he wanted, so did the front office.

It's fricken nauseating to see this type of garbage after all JT has given this organization. And all because a bunch of fans are butthurt.

Not to mention X-whateverhisname is is a multi-post contributor to this whenever JT is mentioned. It becomes highly annoying when the newbies just love to bash on the "cool hot topics"
Mods. Can we please cut this type of BS out immediately. JT had a right to do what he wanted, so did the front office.

It's fricken nauseating to see this type of garbage after all JT has given this organization. And all because a bunch of fans are butthurt.

Not to mention X-whateverhisname is is a multi-post contributor to this whenever JT is mentioned. It becomes highly annoying when the newbies just love to bash on the "cool hot topics"

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