Good or bad everyone has something to say | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Good or bad everyone has something to say


Practice Squad
Jul 9, 2002
Reaction score
Richmond VA
Nothing new in this article but it is the Washington Post covering something other than "the ball coach". A miraculous feat!! The Phins are certainly one the most talked about teams this offseason.

Post Phins Article
Not bad....

I agree that bringing N. Turner to Miami will do wonders for this offense and on an all around basis....the defense as well.

Last season, this defense was just plain worn out IMO. they still played well enough to get us into the playoffs, but with a better offense, and less time on the field this year, that shouldn't be too much of a worry....

Nothing really earth-shattering there. I wonder though if the "path to the super bowl" poster they apparently have up is good or bad. I remember that Brian Billick wouldn't even let the Ravens discuss the playoffs much less the Super Bowl before they got there. I hate Billick but I think he overacheived big time with that team.

Is it better to keep a team focused on short term goals or for them to be focused on the big picture?
I'm a firm believer in focussing only on the next opponent. In this parity laden NFL, you can't let your guard down. You can bet your bottom dollar the Lions are not discussing January, they're discussing Sept. 8, and how they can somehow get a win in Miami.
The players really seem to be up for this year..I hope everything goes as plans and no major injuries to set us back..they should let the roster consist of atleast 60 players and a practice squad.
Originally posted by relive1972
I'm a firm believer in focussing only on the next opponent. In this parity laden NFL, you can't let your guard down. You can bet your bottom dollar the Lions are not discussing January, they're discussing Sept. 8, and how they can somehow get a win in Miami.

I agree, I hate people that base opinions off of Preseason play. Who cares about the preseason!?!? I wouldn't be any more concerned if Jay threw 10 INTS, and Ricky had 10 Fumbles in the preseason. DETROIT is all that needs to be concentrated on. It's also better that Jay gets the INTS out of the way now anyways. Jay for Pro Bowl in 2003 baby!!!!
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