Good QB Battle Article | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Good QB Battle Article


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Aug 13, 2003
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Carl Kotala's odds of starting: 40 percent. Fiedler may know the offense better than the coaching staff and Wannstedt is very comfortable with him. But the fact is, Miami hasn't made the playoffs the past two seasons and the offense has been very inconsistent. It might be time for a change. Then again, this is the best receiving group Fiedler has had a chance to work with since he's been here.

Carl Kotala's odds of starting: 60 percent. The Dolphins didn't give up a second-round pick with the idea of bringing him in as a backup, particularly when there were going to be QBs with much bigger name-value on the market. Feeley represents a fresh start. If he plays well in the preseason, he will likely get the nod.
Strengths: Knowledge of the offense; making the short-range pass; plays in pain; can make plays with his legs as well as arm; career winning percentage of .679 is third-best in league for QBs with at least 25 starts.
:roflmao: Thats why he's been out on average around 4 games a year in the past two years.
Hey, he led the game-winning drive in that Sunday Nighter against Denver with a broken pinky. That's pretty gutsy.
BlueFin said:
What I found interesting was Boston's statement that Feeley had a great arm and that he failed to say that when assessing Fiedler.......................
Hey, the guy didnt want to lie, :roflmao: Seriously, Fiedler doesnt have a great arm. His passes are weak on the outs,his bombs are nothing more than lobs that are hopeful jump balls at best, and thats when their close, most of the time, their not even close. Even his passes over the middle are high, low, behind the receiver, and many leave the receiver stretched out to be blasted on a hit, :shakeno: I for one am tired of Fiedler, and think its time for a change.
phunwin said:
Hey, he led the game-winning drive in that Sunday Nighter against Denver with a broken pinky. That's pretty gutsy.
I'll give you the fact that Jay F. is gutsy... but he threw a pass that went directly through one of Denver's linebacker's hands into dedric ward's. We were very lucky to win that game.
He also is always hurt which costs us games as well. When we throw in a rusty backup we arent half as good
Brad528 said:
He might have won a couple of games being gutsy but he lost alot more being a sorry qb


I've been looking for this ALL offseason. I've been a Fiedler fan since DAY ONE.

HOWEVER, I know it's time for a change. He just can't shed the injury monkey. I've said ALL YEAR that I hope the best man wins. I just simply want to hear ONE Fiedler basher ADMIT that Jay's courage is worthy of note.

At least give the guy credit for NOT QUITTING on us!

THANKS Brad528!

NOW.. I can move on... :cooldude:

I am NathanHunt, the new HEAD mechanic for the Feely bandwagon, .... and I approve this message.
I have liked Fiedler, but things have not gotten done. Not all his fault, but there is enough fault to want to see what someone else can do.
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