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wait to lay griese ball down and probably out of the game! YESSSS
MORONcapecoralfinfan said:wait to lay griese ball down and probably out of the game! YESSSS
Holcomb10 said:That was a total cheap shot... he didn't have to roll into the QB's legs....real classy miami
Holcomb10 said:That was a total cheap shot... he didn't have to roll into the QB's legs....real classy miami
Holcomb10 said:That was a total cheap shot... he didn't have to roll into the QB's legs....real classy miami
jgarMD said:MORON
Holcomb10 said:That was a total cheap shot... he didn't have to roll into the QB's legs....real classy miami
Celtkin said:Are we watching the same game? He had absolutely no control over hitting Greise.
Retnuhrace said:He got blocked into Griese by Pittman...
Celtkin said:Are we watching the same game? He had absolutely no control over hitting Greise.
Holcomb10 said:right man, listen players play dirty, I'm not surprised, Bills do it, its just to bad
Celtkin said:Some players do play dirty but that was not the case this time. If you've spent any time watching Zach play, you'll know that he almost never pounds a player, even when he has the chance. I've seen him blindside QBs and just wrap them up and lay them on the ground.
Holcomb10 said:Come'on man, he didn't have to roll into the QB....maybe a different angle will show otherwise, but from the replay they've shown on TV he could've not propelled himself with his arms into the guys knee....