Grant = Pikachu | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Grant = Pikachu


Feb 12, 2006
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Can we please start calling Grant, Pikachu? I mean how perfect? The name means "electric mouse".
I am a Pokemon playing dweeb - but even I think this is a stretch :lol:
I like bobble head myself. That's what he looks like out there. His helmet appears to be the same size as his torso.
Really? Do we need a nickname for players, especially a puzzy sounding one?

Did you ever play football? Everyone has a nickname. We had a guy we called squirtle (like the pokemon) because he had a bad experience in Mexico after drinking the water.
I like the name, I like the player, he is just very small and is playing the position where you get hit the hardest...One preseason game and already taken off the field, not sure on this one.
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