Greg Bedard's clarification on Feeley | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Greg Bedard's clarification on Feeley


Fighting the media, one lie at a time
Mar 7, 2002
Reaction score
Biloxi, Mississippi
I requested that Greg clarify what the deal was with Feeley in light of all the comments about him stinking up the joint, yet Greg's blog said all the QBs looked much better on Sunday.

Look, I don't pretend to watch mini-camp closely. I'm more interested in the new defensive system than anything. I try to chart the team portions -- and AJ looked fine there. In 7-on-7 and other drills, he very well might have looked like garbage. But I wasn't watching that. You can't tell anything from drills.
That should be tag line for his blogs. "Read my reports because I don't watch closely".
I'd like to see that kind of reporting in other fields...

"The White House Press Secretary held a brief meeting this morning. Several reporters attended, but no one took notes. Now over to Bob with Sports..."
AlanSaysYo said:
I'd like to see that kind of reporting in other fields...

"The White House Press Secretary held a brief meeting this morning. Several reporters attended, but no one took notes. Now over to Bob with Sports..."

I think most of you are still in denial that Feeley sucks. Only time will prove it, but you don't hear or see a lot of positives things about Feeley. As soon as people realize it the better life will be for those who worship him to the earth's end.
Dude, if you're referring to me, you'd better go back to bed, wake up again, and start over. I challenge you to find any post where I've been a "hugger" or a "hater", ever. I was curious about the contradiction between our camp observers and what Bedard posted on his blog.

I saw enough of Feeley last year to lead me to this conclusion: the jury is out. I don't know why neither you "haters" or "huggers" can't accept that some people just haven't seen enough to make up their mind. On the one side, you "haters" are really underplaying the effect that a lack of a running game and horrid OL protection, and inexperience had on the guy, you likewse wholly ignore the obvious improvement in his game as the season went on. On the other hand, the "huggers" want to look only at his laser throws and overlook his tendency to stare down his receiver, his lack of poise, lack of touch, and all the ints. Both camps need to face this fact: he's a developing QB. He's shown enough to warrant NOT throwing him out the window, but he hasn't demonstrated that he's a starting calibre QB. You guys can make arguments either way, but you're not convincing anyone who has a modicum of sense to understand this type of evaluation takes time. I want the best QB to start. Period. In light of the #2 we gave up, it would obviously benefit us if that QB was Feeley, but if he's not the best, then that's the way it is. 'Aight?
he aint great, I'll tell you that much. He may prove to be "adequate", but he'll NEVER be a star in the NFL. A QB will be drafted next year, for certain.
Agua said:
Dude, if you're referring to me, you'd better go back to bed, wake up again, and start over. I challenge you to find any post where I've been a "hugger" or a "hater", ever. I was curious about the contradiction between our camp observers and what Bedard posted on his blog.

I saw enough of Feeley last year to lead me to this conclusion: the jury is out. I don't know why neither you "haters" or "huggers" can't accept that some people just haven't seen enough to make up their mind. On the one side, you "haters" are really underplaying the effect that a lack of a running game and horrid OL protection, and inexperience had on the guy, you likewse wholly ignore the obvious improvement in his game as the season went on. On the other hand, the "huggers" want to look only at his laser throws and overlook his tendency to stare down his receiver, his lack of poise, lack of touch, and all the ints. Both camps need to face this fact: he's a developing QB. He's shown enough to warrant NOT throwing him out the window, but he hasn't demonstrated that he's a starting calibre QB. You guys can make arguments either way, but you're not convincing anyone who has a modicum of sense to understand this type of evaluation takes time. I want the best QB to start. Period. In light of the #2 we gave up, it would obviously benefit us if that QB was Feeley, but if he's not the best, then that's the way it is. 'Aight?

You are absolutely right Agua. I agree with everything you have said. I'm neither a "hugger" or "hater" in this case. I believe that Feeley is due a fair shot. What happens at that point will determine what I feel about him. I guess that means that after about I dunno week 8 or so, that I'll have my decision as to whether or not we should start looking at the next few promising QB's in the 06 draft.
AlanSaysYo said:
I'd like to see that kind of reporting in other fields...

"The White House Press Secretary held a brief meeting this morning. Several reporters attended, but no one took notes. Now over to Bob with Sports..."

we could only wish the white house were followed as closely as sports.
Agua said:
Dude, if you're referring to me, you'd better go back to bed, wake up again, and start over. I challenge you to find any post where I've been a "hugger" or a "hater", ever. I was curious about the contradiction between our camp observers and what Bedard posted on his blog.

I saw enough of Feeley last year to lead me to this conclusion: the jury is out. I don't know why neither you "haters" or "huggers" can't accept that some people just haven't seen enough to make up their mind. On the one side, you "haters" are really underplaying the effect that a lack of a running game and horrid OL protection, and inexperience had on the guy, you likewse wholly ignore the obvious improvement in his game as the season went on. On the other hand, the "huggers" want to look only at his laser throws and overlook his tendency to stare down his receiver, his lack of poise, lack of touch, and all the ints. Both camps need to face this fact: he's a developing QB. He's shown enough to warrant NOT throwing him out the window, but he hasn't demonstrated that he's a starting calibre QB. You guys can make arguments either way, but you're not convincing anyone who has a modicum of sense to understand this type of evaluation takes time. I want the best QB to start. Period. In light of the #2 we gave up, it would obviously benefit us if that QB was Feeley, but if he's not the best, then that's the way it is. 'Aight?

Stop it!!! Logic like that makes too much sense and takes all the fun out of a message board. :D
Agua said:
Dude, if you're referring to me, you'd better go back to bed, wake up again, and start over. I challenge you to find any post where I've been a "hugger" or a "hater", ever. I was curious about the contradiction between our camp observers and what Bedard posted on his blog.

I saw enough of Feeley last year to lead me to this conclusion: the jury is out. I don't know why neither you "haters" or "huggers" can't accept that some people just haven't seen enough to make up their mind. On the one side, you "haters" are really underplaying the effect that a lack of a running game and horrid OL protection, and inexperience had on the guy, you likewse wholly ignore the obvious improvement in his game as the season went on. On the other hand, the "huggers" want to look only at his laser throws and overlook his tendency to stare down his receiver, his lack of poise, lack of touch, and all the ints. Both camps need to face this fact: he's a developing QB. He's shown enough to warrant NOT throwing him out the window, but he hasn't demonstrated that he's a starting calibre QB. You guys can make arguments either way, but you're not convincing anyone who has a modicum of sense to understand this type of evaluation takes time. I want the best QB to start. Period. In light of the #2 we gave up, it would obviously benefit us if that QB was Feeley, but if he's not the best, then that's the way it is. 'Aight?

I agree, anyone actually using their head would realize that there is no way to tell how Feeley will end up. There is no basis for Feeley fans or Feeley haters. Just more message board BS.

Time will tell.
chambers84 said:
I think most of you are still in denial that Feeley sucks.

what sucks worse than feeley is the fact that we ended up giving away the 33rd pick in the draft for him. props to nick for assuring us that something like it won't happen again. bye rick.
I see Gus stepping in and being the starter until next year when we draft Matt Leinart or Omar Jacobs. :D
Roman529 said:
I see Gus stepping in and being the starter until next year when we draft Matt Leinart or Omar Jacobs. :D

Only if those boys drop and depending if Vernon Carey can win and play solid at LT cause there are 4 prime LT's in the draft next year that are all better then any OL in the 2005 draft. If Carey wins and plays solidly then I see the priority going into a DT. I could see a QB with the 2nd pick though depending on how the boys play this season.
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