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Greg Stoda's latest article...


Practice Squad
Feb 2, 2005
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all I can say about this one is that it's highly likely that I will not be turning to Stoda's commentaries 1st thing in the morning.

While I expect writers to be critical of sports franchises (they make too much money to not be critical of them) his article only makes me think that he simply would be better off writing for the Arts & Leisure section. Does he even enjoy sports of any form? I think he's simply miscast in the sports section!
LtDan662002 said:
What an idiot. Does he want to continue working in Miami??

Like I said though...I do expect a certain amont of teams deserve it for many reasons...but this article is kind of a blanket "screw s. florida sports"....I don't know maybe I just read it the wrong way after reading the Wallace interveiw about 4 times back to back.
You know - you couldn't get away with an article like this as a reporter for a New York or Boston paper. Another di**head writer born or raised somewhere else...

You could plug the Steelers into that same scenario - not winning a championship in 30 years.... or the Eagles... or the Raiders.... so I guess all those fans are stupid too. Write that article with any of those markets - you'd be out of a job tomorrow.

Football is not about individuals - it's a team effort - each play relying on all 11 to get it done - not five people covering a court.

YAWN - his column.
I mean come on. The team inspires such loyalty because they are almost always in the running for tthe playoffs. Sure, recent years have not been that great, but even Wanny's first couple of seasons were good despite Pornstache's coaching. Stoda should stick his head up his *** and keep going until he disappears.
Well from what i read into his article it seems as if he was saying the dolphins have such of lack of fan attendence that makes you wonder how much longer it will be before the nfl thinks about contrating the dolphins. there was talk about contracting the marlins three years ago . i think the best way to show these knucklehead writers and media is to go out and recruit more dolphins fans and fill that darn stadium up and make it loud. a jets player was on espn and he said that pro player was the quitest stadium in the mfl . I hope he would be wrong but I am constantly hearing about how sorry a sports town Miami is. This has really pissed me off but since i am in such a money disaster coming to a game would take a miracle for me to get there.
some quotes from the article:

"The Heat is compelling by sheer force of the personalities involved, from Pat Riley's stewardship as president to the on-court duo of Shaquille O'Neal and Dwyane Wade."

"Do the Dolphins have anyone with the scintillating star power to match any of the Heat's big three? And do the Dolphins have a player equal in talent to either O'Neal or Wade?"

This guy is no true sports fan. He is just complaining about a lack of personalitys on the team. Who cares. :shakeno:
LtDan662002 said:
What an idiot. Does he want to continue working in Miami??

it sure doesn't seem that way.
I'm tellin' you; the team had one losing season in 17 friggin years and all the chicken littles come out in "sheer force".

Greg Stoda is nothing more than a fair weather fan. His article speaks for itself. He goes where there is winning and popular players. It's obvious he has no loyatlty to any team; or sport for the matter. I have to agree with the people in this thread, Stoda isn't a true sports fan and shouldn't be writing sports-related articles.

We should all flood his mailbox, and give him a piece of our minds.
I quit reading anything by Stoda years ago. He's ALWAYS been a Dolphin-hater.
Oh well, doesn't really bother me. I can only access this goon's articles over the internet, and that would take too much time and energy for something so dumb. He can say what he wants, yippy ki yay
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