Gronk Unhappy | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Gronk Unhappy


Active Roster
Mar 8, 2018
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Would you sign him for 2 years of he passed the physical? Pretty tempting to me.
I'd sign him in a heartbeat. But where did you hear this? Last I heard, if Brady returned it was highly likely that he would as well...
It's been reported that he could be traded because he hasn't decided if he'd return for another year. I wanted us to draft him when he came out of college. I highly doubt he ends up with us thought
Good to hear he plays for the bad guys, is getting old and banged up do I don't want the dude.
I'd sign him to the absolute max cap space available and I'd create more if needed. Would cut/trade almost anyone for it to happen. He's by far the biggest mismatch in the NFL.

Not sure he'd be 100% on Sundays with South Beach and all though....
All I ever here is incessant whining about the FO spending money on injury prone players and some of you want to bring an injury prone, expensive player to Miami.
He’s a great player, when he’s healthy, but he has chronic back problems dating back to college and he’s as big a risk as Pouncey was IMO.
The best thing we can offer Gronk is close access to a lot of beautiful women in Miami. If it got down to a bidding war, many teams have a lot more available cash per their salary cap.
I think hes unhappy because football has beat his body up and hes tired of being hurt and injured. Thoughts of retirement. Why would you trade for a guy that has one foot out the door?
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