Gruden a phins fan? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Gruden a phins fan?


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Jun 15, 2008
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Did anyone else notice how much Gruden praised the wildcat and Ronnie and Ricky the other night.I know these guys are supposed to be unbiased towards teams,but it sure sounded like he was pulling for our fins.Which I thought was pretty cool.
Yeah ive noticed it too. Even in the Colts-Dolphins game... He loves the Wildcat!
I always liked Gruden. He scares the **** out of me. He is one guy I wouldn't want to get in an argument with.
Gruden loves everybody. He is pro-every team on Monday night Football. Fact is, the guy is in his early 40s, been a head-coach for 10 years and is still relevant to the game. He is looking for another gig at the end of this season and doesn't want to make enemies being an announcer. Listen to the telecast and you'll find he praises every team.
he loves physical football....and thank god he doesnt swing from anyones nuts.....he just calls the game Sanchez made a play he was all over that Henne or R&R would make a play he would be all over that.

the guy just loves football and when he sees good stuff he just gets all excited
Gruden is an offensive Coach. He is known ofr hsi ability to develop QBs and great offenses. This creative Wildcat formation is like crack to him.
Gruden loves everybody. He is pro-every team on Monday night Football. Fact is, the guy is in his early 40s, been a head-coach for 10 years and is still relevant to the game. He is looking for another gig at the end of this season and doesn't want to make enemies being an announcer. Listen to the telecast and you'll find he praises every team.

I agree, when he got dumped at TB and there were grumblings about his likeablity among players. He's been on a "I like everyone campaign".

Crazy thing, I'm starting to like him as an announcer. He brings a lot of excitement and good insight to the broadcast.
Gruden just loves the Wildcat.. Remember during the draft how he was raving about the Wildcat and all the mismatches it creates.

Gruden was a proponent of the Wildcat while a couple others on desk didn't think much of it. Gruden has been a big defender of the wildcat since day one.

We are the Kings of the wildcat, so he loves that part about the Dolphins.
Gruden is an awesome commentator. He loves how we're running this ball club. He scares me though. When he's mad, he reminds me of Chucky from Child's Play.
Gruden is the best thing to happen to Monday Night football in a long time!!!

I think he was not worried about being biased about the Fins. I'm sure before the game Jaws was running his mouth again about he gimick offense... LOL. Gruden was tired of it and wanted to piss him

Jaws is a bum with no idea on how to win a championship. All he does is hate on the Wildcat, humm...let's see the forward pass used to be a gimick...the Wildcat is not a gimick for the Fins. While it may be for some teams, it is not by any means for the FINS!!!

Gruden rocks...Jaws blows!!!
Gruden loves offense, period. He doesn't seem to care much how it's generated and he is clearly a proponent of the Wildcat. Jaworski on the other hand hates the thing, I heard him on Mike and Mike this morning and when asked he was talking it down again. I think being an ex-qb he has a problem with it because we are taking the "qb" out of the game. It hurts his pooor wittle feelings.
he love physical football....and thank god he doesnt swing from anyones nuts.....he just calls the game Sanchez made a play he was all over that Henne or R&R would make a play he would be all over that.

the guy just loves football and when he sees good stuff he just gets all excited

Agreed, hes very passionate about "his" style of football.

My buddy works for the bucs during their training camp, so a few years back he worked under Gruden and can safely say that that is no on screen persona with ole Chucky. The guy is as passionate and as utterly out of his mind as he appears.

He had 3 stand out stories about Gruden, but the one i recall is when in the middle of the night, when everyone was getting ready for sleep Gruden asked him to deliver some tapes to him. So my buddy goes and gets them, and brings it to his room. Upon knocking, Gruden answers shirtless and has 'the stare' on him, demanding "what do you think your doing!".
My buddy, speechless, meekly raises the tapes. Gruden then recalls he asks for the tapes, relaxes, and goes on a multi minute rant about how thankful he is, how such a good guy he is...then continues ranting about how he cant find his shirt and jokingly accuses him of stealing it. Still terrified for his life, my buddy just points to the shirt on the ground not 4 feet away from the coach. Gruden thanks him again, puts his shirt on, then turns and demands he get back to work despite it being the middle of the night.

Thats what i want outta a coach, someone so tied up into winning they cant recall where they put a shirt much less what time it is. Despite not him probably not being a good fit for Miami, plus i think any fan would take a bullet for Sparano at this point, if i was an owner of a rebuilding team i would grab Jon Gruden over the other "superbowl winning coaches" that are gonna be available.
I hope he doesn't get a coaching job anytime soon b/c he is my fav monday night football announcer lol.
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