I have this theory about why CC drops so much when Gus is in. Gus has a cannon with no touch. The big difference between him and Sage is the soft touch. Gus has Marinos gun but not his touch, that is what I have seen all season. If you go back the games we left on the field, ala pats and falcons, it is Gus' inability to throw the soft fade routes. He tries to gun it in too much. Go back and look at the old Marino tapes, the cannon is very similar to Gus', but the accuracy and touch is so much more profound. Gus is a good caretaker QB, but he will never win the big ones because he doesn't possess that touch and instinct. I think Sage might have it. The only way to find out is to play SAge in the next 2 weeeks. One thing that you can't overlook is a QBs ability to come back, and finish the game. AJ did it once, Sage did twice, Gus has never done the 2 minute to come back and win. Remember, that is the hallmark of Marino, when you are behind in the fourth, Dan delivers. I dont see that pressure drive in Gus. The hallmark of a winner is "when you squeeze them very hard, they focus and deliver." Sage has proven that twice and Gus?