Active Roster
derek hagan coming into the draft prior to the senior workouts and game was at the top of alot of teams lists as the number one wide out.. he has the best route running skills already on the dolphins roster and he always seemed to be open.. im glad to hear that he is starting to make great strides in his catching skills.. if this becomes a reality, which i believe is so, miami would probably be comfortable enough to relieve booker of his duties. i wouldnt think that would be a problem anyways since cameron likes athletic guys, speed wise, on the team... ie hakim, or cambell... i believe hakim would be the best to keep on the team since he could be insurance so if something happens, god forbid, to ted ginn jr... so our five reciever set would be something like
slot gin
wing hakim
5. david sutton/ pk sam (youth reasons)
slot gin
wing hakim
5. david sutton/ pk sam (youth reasons)