Hank Goldberg - Speilman is toast. | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Hank Goldberg - Speilman is toast.

phintastic said:
Trading a 4th to move up one spot to get a Olineman that can't even crack this year's line was pure genius. Too bad Rick will be gone because he was awesome. Giving up a 2nd rounder for an inexperienced 3rd stringer was brilliant. I can't understand why Miami wouldn't want to keep him.
OK. The Carey situation was a bad decision, but Given the needs of this team last year I guess he felt that he needed to take an o-linemen. gallery was gone and carey was the next best in the draft. Hindsight is 20/20 and if carey would have proved to be another Brian McCenny (minnisota) speilman would have been a genius. And I really think the feely deal was undermined by wandstat becasue if feeley wad given the starting job from the beginning of training camp I think he would be a lot better than he is now. He has improved in every game so far and I believe that with a little more experience he will be just fine and this will turn out to be a good pick. Whice QB that we could have drafted last year would be doing better than feeley is right now? Hell the first overall pick looks worst than feeley does, so I don't think that was a bad move. And what about Rex Hadnot(6) Derrick Pope(7) Tony Bua(5) and Will Poole(4), How many GM's are able to hit on late round rookies like that? not many. The biggest mistake That he made IMHO was getting rid of the entire o-line from last year and bringing in all new starters (with the exception of wade smith) Linemen need a chance to gel and learn how the other one is going to block this can't be done overnight and Speilmen should have known that. He tried to get big names in free agency but for one reason or the other the players that he targeted did not want to come here, what can you do? Overall I think he did an average job, (nothing worth getting fired for) and nothing as bad as Dave, And I think he derserves another year
GazPhin said:
Is this how you have your performance evaluated? Sheesh, glad my employer doesn't have your personnel savvy.

In the context of the time the decisions were taken, in my view he made pretty much the right moves. Feeley and the draft class can only be fully evaluated in the light of where there at in a couple of years time. Ogun wasn't and isn't worth the cash he wanted in Miami (offense needed balancing with some more of the cap room) though clearly he is worth that in Chicago. He did everything possible to give this season a shot at working out under the poor circumstances we found ourselves. Wise and his system take a lot of the blame for the OL not performing and for Carey not being allowed to take RG away from Whitley who clearly wasn't up to it.

If Saban want's a new guy so be it, I'm on his bandwagon. But Spielman wasn't a failure at GM. He'll be good to great wherever he lands next. If Saban can hang with him, I'm a happy man.
Its clear to see why you have an employer and are not an employer, you can't see the forrest for the trees.

A GM is not graded by whether the decisions he made SEEMED to be the right ones at the time, he's graded by the end result of his decsions, on whether they panned out or not.

Success is the only acceptable outcome, failure is failure.
Spielman did a good jobs of spotting talent in the latter rounds, but Im not sure about his top half moves.

The 1st for carey was a must take, we wanted Andrews but Philly moved up and got him. If we really wanted Andrews that bad, we should have traded up more spots and traded our first and 4th to get Andrews, not trade up 1 spot to get Carey. Granted Andrews is hurt this season, but he was a much higher rated prospect and heads above Carey. We knew Carey was a project and even his UM people said he was a slow learner. Put him with a disorgainzed and struggling Oline and a bad coaching regime, and you have people calling him a bust. Im not calling Carey a bust yet, but to trade up 1 spot to get a player was silly and I think Spielman got punked on that one.

The trade for Feeley... im still not sure. I would have rather us traded a latter pick and made it a conditional 2nd if certain expectations were met. If you look at the QBs that were taken after the first round last year, Feeley is better than them all so statwise, it wasnt a bad pick. We could have overpaid for Brunell like SO MANY of you wanted to do.

However I HATE the Reggie Howard signing and the Lamar Gordon trade. We all knew this season was going to be horrible, why did we basically trade the 1st pick in the 3rd round for a rent-a-back for the year. Even if Gordon played all year, with the depth in this draft at RB, we should take a RB, even in a latter round.

Spielman therefore gets a 50% rating from me.... one thumb up.

The offer, which is expected to go to Saban's agent Jimmy Sexton, is to include a clear definition of Saban's scope of power over Miami's football operation and a salary structure expected to average between $4 million and $5 million per year.

The perceived problem about how to split the power within the Dolphins organization doesn't seem to be an obstacle. Sources said if Saban comes, he would be able to mold Miami's football operations.

That does not bode well for current general manager Rick Spielman, who might have to accept a demotion or be fired if Saban wants to bring in people he trusts. That scenario apparently would meet no resistence in the Dolphins locker room.


Asked to critique the job Spielman did this year in gathering talent for the Dolphins, one player responded, ``Where's the talent?

''We're 2-11,'' he said. ``If we had added a lot of talent this year, we'd be winning.''

Defensive end Jason Taylor declined to be specific when asked to critique the general manager.

''We're 2-11,'' Taylor said. ``That means the people in [the locker room] and the people upstairs haven't done the job.''
jjizzim said:
OK. The Carey situation was a bad decision, but Given the needs of this team last year I guess he felt that he needed to take an o-linemen. gallery was gone and carey was the next best in the draft. Hindsight is 20/20 and if carey would have proved to be another Brian McCenny (minnisota) speilman would have been a genius. And I really think the feely deal was undermined by wandstat becasue if feeley wad given the starting job from the beginning of training camp I think he would be a lot better than he is now. He has improved in every game so far and I believe that with a little more experience he will be just fine and this will turn out to be a good pick. Whice QB that we could have drafted last year would be doing better than feeley is right now? Hell the first overall pick looks worst than feeley does, so I don't think that was a bad move. And what about Rex Hadnot(6) Derrick Pope(7) Tony Bua(5) and Will Poole(4), How many GM's are able to hit on late round rookies like that? not many. The biggest mistake That he made IMHO was getting rid of the entire o-line from last year and bringing in all new starters (with the exception of wade smith) Linemen need a chance to gel and learn how the other one is going to block this can't be done overnight and Speilmen should have known that. He tried to get big names in free agency but for one reason or the other the players that he targeted did not want to come here, what can you do? Overall I think he did an average job, (nothing worth getting fired for) and nothing as bad as Dave, And I think he derserves another year
I agree with all of this and I would also like to point out that Feeley cost us NOTHING to acquire this year. He is basically playing and getting experience for nothing but his contract money. He didn't cost us ANY picks or players to be on this team this year.

This coming draft, we are taking AJ Feeley in the second round and with that choice we get a player who has almost a full season worth of starting experience and who has proven to have an NFL arm, toughness, and determination.

Next year we could have a young, experienced gun slinger who is ready to lead an NFL team or we could have a rookie who would have 10x as many questions to answer and not be anywhere near ready to lead this team.

Given the choice right now, I'd take Feeley.
inFINSible said:
I agree with all of this and I would also like to point out that Feeley cost us NOTHING to acquire this year. He is basically playing and getting experience for nothing but his contract money. He didn't cost us ANY picks or players to be on this team this year.

This coming draft, we are taking AJ Feeley in the second round and with that choice we get a player who has almost a full season worth of starting experience and who has proven to have an NFL arm, toughness, and determination.

Next year we could have a young, experienced gun slinger who is ready to lead an NFL team or we could have a rookie who would have 10x as many questions to answer and not be anywhere near ready to lead this team.

Given the choice right now, I'd take Feeley.
Makes perfect sense to me. I totally agree
inFINSible said:
This coming draft, we are taking AJ Feeley in the second round and with that choice we get a player who has almost a full season worth of starting experience and who has proven to have an NFL arm, toughness, and determination.

Please; stop making sense.
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