Hank Goldberg - Speilman is toast. | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Hank Goldberg - Speilman is toast.

FinFan24 said:
What have you seen that indicates hell be bad?

I did see him in two games, one happened to be against the New England PAtriots. He let up 0 sacks, and played very well that game, agaisnt a top notch defense. That game right there gave me some hope.

The coaches decided early he would play nothing but RT. I think most would agree St.Clair has played like our best linemen this year(as little as thats saying.) All the coaches have been very pleased with him. For god sakes, give him time. If he still sucks/isnt starting next year, then worry about it.
Richmond Webb ring a bell here? He started and protected Marino's blind side. He also was first rounder for the Dolphins. From starting his rookie season he never looked back in his career. Now thats a player that was worth his salt. Carey could not carry his jock strap!:rolleyes:
finsfan4life said:
I wish Spielman nothing but the best of luck. I hope he goes to another team and has years of continued success, I just don't want him as the Fins G.M.

lmao.....:confused: :confused: :confused:
Two huge mistakes that Speilman made this past offseason that I can't get past: All I was reading in the paper during whole Ogunleye contract issue was that Speilman kept putting it on the backburner like it wasn't all that important. The same thing with Todd Wade. From all accounts in the newspaper both of these guys wanted to play for the Dolphins, but our front office didn't work very hard to keep either one of them. Looking back IMO Speilman dropped the ball with both. And as someone already mentioned Poole was rated late 1st/early 2nd round. It would've made less sense not to draft someone rated so high still on the board in the 4th. On Pope, is he playing because he's good or is he seeing playing time only because we have 2 injured starters and it's only natural for him to be included in the LB rotation due to the shortage of healthy LBs? Also with Hadnot, is he playing because he has talent or is he playing out of desperation since no one else has made much of a difference?
I think that Speil has to go. For the simple reason that in this years draft we will have to trade draft picks(trade down and stockpile picks) and that is not speil's strengh. We need to find somebody that can gather picks and maybe even pull the trigger and move back up in the mid rounds.

Also overlooked in Speil's shortcomings is the fact that we had no backup for Ricky. What would have happened if he wrecked his knee instead of retired. We would have been in the same boat as we are in. That is a poor job of GMing.
phintastic said:
Trading a 4th to move up one spot to get a Olineman that can't even crack this year's line was pure genius. Too bad Rick will be gone because he was awesome. Giving up a 2nd rounder for an inexperienced 3rd stringer was brilliant. I can't understand why Miami wouldn't want to keep him.
If we wanted Carey he had to. New England was on the phone with Minn trying to trade up. They were also saying they were taking a lineman. Another thing. I don't think that the 2nd rounder for Feeley is a big deal. If you really look at it he didn't have much experience but he had been in the NFL atmosphere for 4 years. Go back and look at all the busts of first round QB's a lot of people are screaming to draft a QB I don't want to be around here if they are busts. A.J has improved week after week. This could turn out to be a brilliant 2nd round pick but then again maybe not. We don't know yet. IMO its no different than drafting a rookie Qb right out of college and him going out for his first start getting hit and a broken neck. All picks are not guaranteed. I think Rick has dona a good job in his first year as GM. When you look at everything we have been faced with this offseason I think he has done a fine job.
let's see here: he gutted the o-line, didn't re-sign wade and ogun (who are having great seasons), lost a 4th rounder for nothing in the draft, our first round pick can't get off the bench (and why can't he with this o-line), traded this year's second for an emergency qb, and didn't build any depth whatsoever, which will seal his ultimate fate. wanny was a bad hc, but he was a better personnel guy than rick is imo.
It's Saban's call in that if he doesn't want Speilman over another guy then we get the other guy. But there has to be somebody as has been made perfectly clear in articles this week. We need somebody to be GM for Saban.
Jnaledu3 said:
Spielman sucks.

He will be a perfect fit for Detroit, a place where bad personnel moves are commonplace and losers prosper.

So... with Rick as GM at Detroit... does that mean we can trade Feeley away to them (they DO need a QB) for their second rounder? Plus, we tell Rick the Vikes are on the other line asking about Feeley... so we can get him to throw in a fourth rounder too? :D

Seriously though. No, really. :) If Saban wanted or felt he could work with Rick, I'm fine with that. I won't be upset to see him gone though, as seems very possible. You can build a good case for showing Rick the door, unless you buy into the "he only had ONE year" defense. I don't.
Dol-Fan Dupree said:
was the the first player drafted in the 4th round?
huh? This is what I said:

"Thats all well and good, but he has a first rounder(VERNON CAREY) who can't get on the field, he has a horrible grade on free agency and overall he showed a lack of savvy.

My 8 year old nephew could have drafted Will Poole in round 4, they guy was listed in ESPN the magazine as a first rounder(projected).

Does that clear it up for you? The point regarding Poole was he was a highly rated prospect who slipped, I was calling for his drafting in the third round, so how was drafting him in the fourth round any great feat?
i got no problem with speilman... i think he did some good things... i still think getting booker and gordon for holdout ogun was a great move... i think feeley maybe a number 2 was a little high, but i dont have a problem with feeley i think he will be good... draft was alright, everyone complains about the 4th to move up to get carey... but at the time carey was the best OL on the board and thast what we needed help at, hindsight is 20/20 at the time this was a good move...

i mean i think all the slack he takes is wrong especially considering the type of season it has been... and hes only been the GM 1 year, give the guy some time...
Finz Fury said:
Is Spielman really so bad? Feeley may be the future, no worse then the veteran qb's everyone wanted him to sign. Pope, Poole, Hadnot, and Carey are all the future of this team. I don't need to be reminded of his mistakes all im saying is I think he did a decent job.
If you think Spoilman did a good job...... Then, you need to be reminded of his mistakes....:shakeno: And yes....Feeley IS worse then the other qb's everyone wanted to sign.
arsenal said:
i got no problem with speilman... i think he did some good things... i still think getting booker and gordon for holdout ogun was a great move... i think feeley maybe a number 2 was a little high, but i dont have a problem with feeley i think he will be good... draft was alright, everyone complains about the 4th to move up to get carey... but at the time carey was the best OL on the board and thast what we needed help at, hindsight is 20/20 at the time this was a good move...

i mean i think all the slack he takes is wrong especially considering the type of season it has been... and hes only been the GM 1 year, give the guy some time...
IF we give this guy any more time, we're gonna end up like the Arizona Cardinals and STINK FOR YEARS!!! You all better wisen up about SPoilman. He really, really, SUCKS. WHat do you want him?? to learn how to be a GM while he's in there?! No thanks. For that just stick me in there and I'll learn as I go along....We don't hire a GM to learn how to be our GM. WE hire a GM for his knowlege and deal making and talent evaluating. But thankfully.....It doesn't matter if you people EVER wisen up to Spoilman cause now when Saban comes in, he's gonna clean the house and we'll be rid of the SPOILERMAN.
Phishstix said:
let's see here: he gutted the o-line, didn't re-sign wade and ogun (who are having great seasons), lost a 4th rounder for nothing in the draft, our first round pick can't get off the bench (and why can't he with this o-line), traded this year's second for an emergency qb, and didn't build any depth whatsoever, which will seal his ultimate fate. wanny was a bad hc, but he was a better personnel guy than rick is imo.
Not so sure Wanny was any better. It was like dumb and dumber with these two making moves. In a year where we desperately needed a good WR, he takes LB Eddie Moore with our top pick-which was only a 2nd rounder. And a late 2nd rounder too. THey were BOTH horrible as GM.
You youngins not in the working world yet?

Is this how you have your performance evaluated? Sheesh, glad my employer doesn't have your personnel savvy.

In the context of the time the decisions were taken, in my view he made pretty much the right moves. Feeley and the draft class can only be fully evaluated in the light of where there at in a couple of years time. Ogun wasn't and isn't worth the cash he wanted in Miami (offense needed balancing with some more of the cap room) though clearly he is worth that in Chicago. He did everything possible to give this season a shot at working out under the poor circumstances we found ourselves. Wise and his system take a lot of the blame for the OL not performing and for Carey not being allowed to take RG away from Whitley who clearly wasn't up to it.

If Saban want's a new guy so be it, I'm on his bandwagon. But Spielman wasn't a failure at GM. He'll be good to great wherever he lands next. If Saban can hang with him, I'm a happy man.
I always felt Spielman took too much heat for the demise of this football team this season. I like Lamar Gordon for a 3rd rounder, and I think AJ has shown big play capabilties and confidence and he will be the QB next season.

BUT- I really like Saban and we need a fresh start, with a fresh coach who is stern and has won with less talent then other programs. If he wants to bring in his own guys? Then give it to him.

PS Good point about him being left out of the interview process.
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