Practice Squad
I am on my way to the 13th worship service I've had since last Saturday. One three hour one tommorrow and three Sunday left to go!
Yet I would be remiss not to wish my extended family here a blessed Easter!
May the three days of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday enlighten your way to the celebration of the resurrection on Easter when we can all cry "Christ is risen, He is Risen indeed, Alleluia!"
For the children of Abraham and Issac who read here, may your Passover celebration draw you closer in your walk with the nameless one.
For those on this board who do not join me in an Easter celebration or observe passover, may this spring season bring you joy. The new birth of life here in the north always brings me testimony to the ongoing power of God but I know this feeling is not shared by all. Yet I hope you will allow me the privilege of wishing you all well and sharing some of my joy with my brothers and sisters here!
Yet I would be remiss not to wish my extended family here a blessed Easter!
May the three days of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday enlighten your way to the celebration of the resurrection on Easter when we can all cry "Christ is risen, He is Risen indeed, Alleluia!"
For the children of Abraham and Issac who read here, may your Passover celebration draw you closer in your walk with the nameless one.
For those on this board who do not join me in an Easter celebration or observe passover, may this spring season bring you joy. The new birth of life here in the north always brings me testimony to the ongoing power of God but I know this feeling is not shared by all. Yet I hope you will allow me the privilege of wishing you all well and sharing some of my joy with my brothers and sisters here!