As I was walking I herd a Young Long Haired man Yell KILL ANY BABIES . This has always stuck in my mind, Today i wonder if some of these people who protested the War in Viet Nam have children who are serving their country and I wonder if the ever regret some of their actions and some of the things they said about the Viet Nam Vets
we lived just off camp pendelton in capistrano beach, just about 4 miles above san clemente. during my dads second tour in 1967 is when the commy pinko dirt bag hippies started doing their anti american road trips and propaganda runs.
our neighborhood was a good 85% u.s. marines from pendleton. so, we started getting the commies comming around in this old converted bread truck with a big bull horn on the roof and drive the neighborhoods yelling "your fathers and husbands are baby killers and fascists. they are muderers, butchers and god damn america, support the poor vietnamese", on and on and on.
i think it was early 1969 i was in the front yard and here comes this painted up old mail jeep and music playing. i am thinking ice cream man so i am standing by the curb in the yard and this guy swoops over, huge nasty mustache, very long nasty hair and beads and india print shirt, etc... and starts talking to me and asking if my dad was at pendelton, if he was over seas, etc.... i told him yes and then he started in FULL FORCE into his anti military crap and his commy pro vietnam speech and my dad was probably going to kill me when he came home because he was now brain washed into murder, etc.... .
well, my mom had been sitting at the table by the front window and saw him swoop in and start up on me. next thing i know is her flying around me with a big broom, handle side down and start beating the living dog poo out of this scumbag communists hippie rig [i still hate hippies!!] and poking him through the open window [the mail jeeps, like many today were passenger side drive] and just wailing and cussing and telling him, "now you got a murderer mother f$%^er [never heard my mom use that language and was the last time i did] and this puke got our of their in that commy jeep like his arse was on fire!!!
then i got the dont EVER approach or let them aproach you EVER again speech....... and she was bug eyed and furious!!! i was never so proud of my mom. TOTALLY out of character for her all the way around. but i learned that day how deeply american she was. she never commented on the war to us kids and we only talked about my father and how nice it was going to be when he came home. like everyone, we watched the tv news every night hoping to get some glimpse of him, always running to the mail box to see if that red and white and blue trimmed envelope from over seas was in there from my dad.
these were WAY, WAY different times than what the country was during nam. the guys today fighting the scums in the sandbox are not getting it that bad from at home like the vietnam soldiers were and their families. i have lived long enough to see the over taking of the communists from that era [like john kerry who went to nam just for his political future then came home and chucked his undeserved medals over the capitol buildings gate and denounced EVERYTHING american and the war and now serves the president in our government now]. we have admitted , card carrying communists in different places in our house of reps, the senate and czars, lobbyists, etc.... . SCARY!!!
as the above poster asked, if ANY were sorry about what they did, yes! many. some actually grew up, educated themselves about the war and the world and american history and are DEEPLY sorry for what they did. i have talked with quite a few of those. but, the VAST majority of those, not sorry at all and a vast majority, if not all of a certain faction of our country's government are made up of those NOT sorry. hollywood, especially those elder ones from the nam era [see hanoi jane fonda who should STILL be hung for selling out the POW'S when she was allowed a propaganda, pro communist trip to north vietnam] are still spewing their marxist beliefs and donate a LOT of money to furthering communism and their causes in the u.s. .
the younger people of the last 25 years have not been educated on communism in school and the evil it produces like we all were. the threat to the world it is [even more than islam, believe it or not]. and its on purpose to turn the countries young people against aamerica and denounce its founders and constitution and principles. and like we see now, actual u.s. senators are calling for the abolishment of the 1st amendment and many THE WHOLE CONSTITUTION, including our commander in chief who has said over and over that the u.s. constitution is an out dated document that has NO relevance today.
when you havnt been alive to see the changes and the establishment of communist beliefs and actions in our government and media and schools, you dont know any better. you havnt seen it. and the communsist who were part of this change, the traitors and anti american citizens of that day are not sorry and are orchestrating our demise as a free country as we speek!
the damage that was done during that era, besides the human loss is catastrophic and we are still being victimized by it today. the communists lost big militarily in vietnam but they won the battle here on the home front through propaganda and BIG communist money from russia and china and support from castro in cuba. kids are not getting the truth about all this and its no accident the amount of discontent in america is so prevalent.
so i hope this helps the poster who asked if any were sorry. NOT ENOUGH!. but i am BEGGING all you supporters of the current leadership and culture in america today, go to the city library's [not the colleges or high schools. study your countries history, how kennedy got us into vietnam, the founders and communism and see for yourself what has happened. see the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO written by nikita kruchev in russia in 1957 on how to take down america. i will print this later today [tuesday] in the politics section. scary!! and it is not being discussed or shown in ANY schools today including universities.
i'm out. there was really no short answer to that question as there is so much more involved than just some being sorry. again, PLEASE see my posts on this later today in the political section and comment their on this. i had no other way to answer him even though it probably appears i am chumming for a political discourse. i am NOT. but i will be happy to discuss it all in the proper forum.