Never knew the argument would carry over to Finheaven from but here goes. (hopefully without the personal insults)
His shirt was allegedly torn according to officers at the scene. And from what I gather, Kyra Nolan, his girlfriend, had a brother who was there when it happened. If there was spousal abuse and the victim did not fully press charges, surely a relative at the scene would have.
But really, no one knows what really happened. Really have to agree with CK there. And in this country, you're innocent until you're proven guilty, which hasn't happened. Hardy's been through the courses, got his own counseling out of his own pockets, and has integrated himself in community service. Considers the mother of his son as a "blessing". His coach, players, and members of his community are applauding his growth from a troubled youngster whose dad had been in prison for 8 years to a mature person (I have included links to the articles in the Bloomington, Indiana papers that verify that in the thread). And so far he's been clean enough to warrant having the proverbial albatross removed from his neck.
Are the Dolphins going to draft him? Probably not unless all the top big target WR's are gone. Even so, one could judge a person in an interview, run a very thorough background check, and ask all the right people about him.