Hartline, Camarillo, and Bess | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Hartline, Camarillo, and Bess


Practice Squad
May 5, 2009
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These players should be cut because they are too small. They are taller than White,except Bess, but weigh less than him. Its a death wish for them to be playing out there. They look like woman out there on the field next to full grown men. :crazy:
These players should be cut because they are too small. They are taller than White,except Bess, but weigh less than him. Its a death wish for them to be playing out there. They look like woman out there on the field next to full grown men. :crazy:
:lol2: by far worst post of the year. you my friend win the dumb post of the year award congrats :crazy:
It's not the size of the player, it is the ability to play their position.
These players should be cut because they are too small. They are taller than White,except Bess, but weigh less than him. Its a death wish for them to be playing out there. They look like woman out there on the field next to full grown men. :crazy:

you should be cut from finheaven because this thread completely sucks
Ladies and gentlemen, the award for dumbest post on FinHeaven goes to.........SCHMITTY8225! *boos heard in the background*
If anyone of them decides that they want to play QB in the NFL I will agree.

Except for Hartline, he was a HS QB and might be able to play a little
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