Has any one looked at other teams | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Has any one looked at other teams


Reach for the Stars
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May 23, 2002
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We spend so much time analyzing Miami, I wonder what other AFC East teams are up to. I haven't really noticed their upgrades. Can there be another sleeper like the PATs last year in our mist. I sometimes get a glisp of other teams, but really don't know how they stack up to our Dolphins, are we better than they, even with our changes? What do you guys think?:confused:
luckily the Colts are gone because they c/b real good if they get any D this year - which they should. The Bills will be better with Drew, but better than 3-13 is easy. The Jets looks to be weaker for sure; unless Moss turns into a Pro Bowl WR which is unlikely. The Pats are as expected the team to beat, but should not be as good as us. Still IMO all 3 teams are not respectable teams.
How I see the AFC east

Patriots-They won the SB so lucky or not they are the team to beet. They lost some role players on D, but more than what they did on the feild Cox and Buckley were the leaders on D. They added some good TEs, but can Antwan Smith and Brady repeat their outstanding seasons of last year? The answer to that question controlls their fate.

Dolphins-Obviously adding RW greatly improves a team that finished 11-5 last year. The Dolphins fate lies with the health of players like Gardner, Dixon, and Smith who all are returning from major injuries.

Jets-The expansion draft really hurt this team. The loss of the CBs was huge, but they did sign Beasley and Abraham. Sam Cowart really upgrades their LB core that was already pretty good, but his health is a big question. The lost a very good RT in Ryan Young and with theh loss of Szoct remaing one of the best o-lines in the game will be tough.

Bills-Had a great draft by getting a true stud a LT. He is probably a year or 2 away from being great. Untill he devolops their o-line is still not that great. Added a very good vetrean QB in Bledsoe, but untill he proves he can adjust to a new system and survive playing behind a shaky o-line i wont say he is their savior. Their D has some bright spots with a couple emerging DBs and one of the best young run stuffing DTs in Williams, but they have some holes at DE and safety. They are deffinitly up and comming but i think it will be another year or 2 before they can trully compete in the east.
The rest of the AFC

Stealers-Pretty much the same team that had the best record in the AFC a year ago. That being said one has to wonder if Kordell can put up another good season, and Bettis isn't getting any younger and already has injury problems. Their D and o-line can probably carry them to a division title regardless.

Raiders-Had a very good draft thanks to stupid Tampa Bay. Harris and Romanowski will revive their struggleing LB core. Their D line is still thier achilies heal if they can't stop the run again it will be hard for them to beet the many power running teams in the AFC. They have alot of stars on offense, but they are over 35. I expect Oakland to come out of the gates strong, but their age will catch up to them in Dec and Jan.

Broncos-Started off last year looking like the Rams of the AFC, but injurys destroyed them. If healthy a great team, but little depth. Greise can look like Werner one day but Leaf the next his consistentcy will be what makes or breaks this team.

Titans-Came on strong at the end of the season when they got healthy. I think they needed to be more active in FA and the draft, but Haynesworth will add to an already very talented d-line. If Mcnair can add an areial threat to help George this team could beet anyone.

Chargers and Browns-I think these teams have the most young talent of any team in the NFL. Their defenses will be among the best in the league. Both Green and Tomlinson will have good seasons, but I don't think they can make up for the lack of talent on thier o-lines and WR. I think both are 1 year away from being among the best in the league.
I don't think any team in our division will win less than 6 games.

This is how it will end up:

Miami 12-4
New York 9-7
Buffalo 8-8
New England 6-10
Buffalo isn't going to do better than New England unless A. Smith and T. Brady mess up big-time, and the Bills pull a miracle and put up a decent defense.
Maybe this isn't what you had in mind but,

Bryant McKinnie has reported to Vikings camp over weight and out of shape.He promises to be in better shape when training camp rolls around.

Cleveland seems to be having a linebacker convention,with Jamir Miller the only one missing.

Cardinals' safety Tillman is going A.W.O.L....from his brain

Robert Jones

lands in the frozen tundra.

The Giants make a

bold quarter back move.

Cinncinnatti looks like aSuper Bowl contender. Of course it's Pricko who thinks it, so go ahead and laugh now.
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Yea these are exactly what I'm talking about, maybe I should have just asked about the whole league or probaly just the teams on Miami's schedule, maybe that's who we need to concentrate on and then probables for the playoff and an NFC champ to meet in the SB.

Dolphins 2002 SCHEDULE
Date Opponent Time
Sep 8 DETROIT 1:00 PM We should win this one at home
Sep 15 at Indianapolis 1:00 PM Depends on their D
Sep 22 NY JETS 1:00 PM Always a game
Sep 29 at Kansas City 1:00 PM Do they have the O pieces
Oct 6 NEW ENGLAND 1:00 PM Defending SB Champs
Oct 13 at Denver 8:30 PM Well coached team whom we beat 3x straight ????
Oct 20 BUFFALO 1:00 PM Gave us fits last year
Nov 4 at Green Bay (Mon.) 9:00 PM Whew
Nov 10 at NY Jets 8:30 PM ditto
Nov 17 BALTIMORE 1:00 PM Hopefully still rebuilding
Nov 24 SAN DIEGO 1:00 PM Up and coming
Dec 1 at Buffalo 1:00 PM ditto
Dec 9 CHICAGO (Mon.) 9:00 PM A monster D..
Dec 15 OAKLAND 1:00 PM Hopefully age will have caught up.
Dec 21 at Minnesota (Sat.) 1:30 PM We should now beat them
Dec 29 at New England 1:00 PM A little cold but winable
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I see the AFC being wide open like it has been the last several years! The Patriots prove that just about anyone can get to the dance if you're hot and injury-free around crunchtime playoffs! My Top 3 preseason ranks!!

1. STEELERS- They had the best record in the AFC for a reason!!Last year with a smothering D with the rookie sensation Kendrall Bell and a solid running game! Special team was their weakness but they addressed that in the draft and new ST coach! Jerome Bettis is literally a BUS right now being like 30 pounds over his playing weight!! But they have a great backup in AMOS ZEROUE!! Not to mention a EASY SCHEDULE!!! I think they are the team to beat right now in the AFC!!

2. DOLPHINS- What can I say what you guys already know! RICKY, NORV, SEARCY, CHESTER ETC!!!!!

3. RAIDAZZZZZ- I like what they did in the offseason, they addressed their needs in the secondary by stealing BUCHANON from Uof M!!! Then getting a top veteran FS in ROD WOODSON!Plus they got a stud OLB in NAPOLEAN HARRIS!! They will be tough!!!

Originally posted by Phinmaster1354

1. STEELERS- They had the best record in the AFC for a reason!!Last year with a smothering D with the rookie sensation Kendrall Bell and a solid running game! Special team was their weakness but they addressed that in the draft and new ST coach! Jerome Bettis is literally a BUS right now being like 30 pounds over his playing weight!! But they have a great backup in AMOS ZEROUE!! Not to mention a EASY SCHEDULE!!! I think they are the team to beat right now in the AFC!!

You forgot that Pittsburgh picked up the very dangerous and multi talented Antwaan Randle El.
My early predictions for the AFC East:
1)Miami- Ricky and Norv will help Fiedler, our offense, and give our D some rest.
2)New England- If Smith repeats last year's success, N.E. will have a chance at the playoffs.
3)NYJ- Vinny is getting old, but they have Martin.
4)Buffalo- Bledsoe and M. Williams will help, but they're still not a playoff team yet.

Originally posted by booyeah_

You forgot that Pittsburgh picked up the very dangerous and multi talented Antwaan Randle El.

Great point but they had a chance to get ANTONIO BRYANT who I feel will be a GREAT receiver!! On the other hand the STEELERS and COWHER must have known something about BRYANT'S character since he and PITT practiced at the same facility!!!
We shouldn't try to take anything away from NE being the SB champion, but coming home on the train yesterday, what must have been a six-year-old kid was talking about how the Lakers-Kings series is fixed to force a game 7, just like a lot of you have been saying. He then said something that I haven't heard anywhere else: that NE winning the SB last year was fixed, because they're the "Patriots" and the country needed this from 9-1-1.

It's just what I heard, don't kill the messenger.

On the other hand, it does look like the Dolphins are the most talented team in the AFC East and perhaps the conference.
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