Hats Off to Rick Spielman | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Hats Off to Rick Spielman

Well if you guys are satisfied, so am I. I hope this draft turns out good. We got solid players. Only time will tell.
Muck said:
In 2002, the 49ers drafted Eric Heitmann in the 7th round. He started 12 games that year and remains the starter at LG.

Just because a guy is drafted late doesn't mean he can't contribute. We're not talking about superstars here. We're talking about solid guys who can contribute and offer depth. Because truth be told, we're pretty much set at almost every single position.

And you can bet your azz they'll be offered contracts. They always are. They're just base bottom deals.

I'll give you that, Muck, there are the exceptions... but what i'm saying is, without blindly being optimistic i have to fail to share Boomer's optimism on EVERY SINGLE pick..... We might get the occasional diamond in the bottom, but that doesn't mean everyone will be great. For every Tom Brady and Matt Hasselback out there picked low in the draft, there are a million Paul Smiths. (thats right, you never heard of him did ya? ;) )

I hope these guys work out though... not saying they definitely won't. just that someone has to be the voice of reason. Especially given the dolphin's draft history, i fail to have instant confidence on every pick.

Hope all goes well

What exactly is, the Dolphins draft history with Rick calling the shots??? :huh:
Surferosa said:
Anyone else notice that we didnt address the D-Line at all? I was sure we would be looking at DT's and DE's early and often. I guess with Ogun seeminlgy staying in Miami now, DE becmoes less of a need. Still, But I thought we would draft a replacement for Timbo, who is nearing the end of his career.


I think Speilman opted not to draft a D -lineman because he just didn't feel there was any value at DE or DT
Boomer, Great Job!

I'm not a draft expert. Heck, I didn't even stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, so I follow the lead of those who are, people like Boomer (as an amature, anyway) and Rick Spielman. Do I expect all these picks to be on the team defining the franchise in 5 seasons? Nope, but I think he took good risks and picked players that have a chance to do something good for the team. It's still a crap shoot, but right now he made reasonable calls, we'll see how Training Camp goes.

One thing on the WR position. While it might have been nice to draft a WR, it is possible RS did not see value at our picks compared to other needs. This is not necessarily due to receivers currently on the roster: it is reasonable to suspect a larger-than-normal number of vet receivers dropped out of training camp this year to make room for drafted new blood? If the answer is not on the roster today, there might be quality depth available after 6/1 or later in the offseason.

Thanks again for the hard work and great read, Boomer!
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