Have not heard much from Greenwood - on the field | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Have not heard much from Greenwood - on the field


Maria & LauRen Aha!
Sep 4, 2001
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Have not much from Greenwood - on the field

You would think they would be raving about our SSLB Morlon Greenwood the way he talks and sings
"This year I'm hoping to be an impact player on this football team, take it to another level," Greenwood said. "Last year, I don't want to start talking about it because I'm moving on. This year I expect to do great things and blow the skylines out of proportion. Just like the song is about."
from http://www.gopbi.com/partners/pbpost/epaper/editions/sunday/sports_d3f5609d10bb91da00f1.html

I hope so :rolleyes:
I hope he improves this year. He was not at all impressive last year IMO and I realize he was a rookie but he looked fair at best. Rodgers as well has been a slacker. I personally feel like the OLB are our weakest area on defense. Those guys I feel are mediocre at best.

The second concern I have is Chester. I think his health is going be a concern for awhile. The guy obviously has the strength and most likely the skill, but I hope we didn't just replace daryl gardner with another daryl.....
i didn't get to see the game

Originally posted by Muck
Where'd that come from??
or greenwood or didn't even see the stats of the game, just heard fiedler had 3 INT's and the improvement in that dept came to mind!:rolleyes:
Well I quess we can be happy in the fact that we're not hearing Morlon not during a good job at LB..If he was really off..we would be hearing about it by now, just like Flecther..I think the dolphins are keeping their D vanilla and so we don't hear a lot about the LB's, not even Zach.
Re: i didn't get to see the game

Originally posted by dolfan06
or greenwood or didn't even see the stats of the game, just heard fiedler had 3 INT's and the improvement in that dept came to mind!:rolleyes:
it may be off topic, but i can't think of anything more important, can you?;)

Originally posted by InMyChambers
I hope he improves this year. He was not at all impressive last year IMO and I realize he was a rookie but he looked fair at best. Rodgers as well has been a slacker. I personally feel like the OLB are our weakest area on defense. Those guys I feel are mediocre at best.

The second concern I have is Chester. I think his health is going be a concern for awhile. The guy obviously has the strength and most likely the skill, but I hope we didn't just replace daryl gardner with another daryl.....
I couldn't have wrote it any better!! There is no doubt in my mind that teams know that is our weakness!! OLB!!!
Hey, did you guys..............

Originally posted by Phinmaster1354
I couldn't have wrote it any better!! There is no doubt in my mind that teams know that is our weakness!! OLB!!!

not watch Morlon's play the last 6 games of the season??? He only was all over the field finding his niche in the defensive scheme and adjusting to the NFL game. He finished 2nd or 3rd on the tackles on the team, if I recall correctly!:yell:
a & o 54

i like col 3:23 better!

and for you 39, the bible covers everything, so don't tell me thats off topic! :D :rolleyes:
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