Heart drop? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Heart drop?


Punching Bag
Club Member
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score
San Jose
Did anyone else feel their heart drop and say to themself "WOOOOW"
when they saw Will Allen go down and hold his knee and bang the floor in pain.
And after watching the replay i thought it was pretty serious ...
But i was happy as hell when i saw him back out on the field
Ya man, I thought we were screwed.

Luckily I think he was more upset about missing the pick than he was injured:)
as always
you have gotten me pretty good this last week.
i have to mind my p's and q's

*Pffffffffft* I didn't even give you a single point, drama dude! ;)

And yeah. I just got my...umm...viewing of the game today. If I was watching real time...*ugh*
Yeah all I thought was here goes Lee Evans with a career game now, but I was really relieved when I saw him back on the field.
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