Getting some major love from Florio and Simms, good listen. Someone pinch me, please...
That man love can be special...Not as major love as they get from each other.
Between two as obviously caring as they.That man love can be special...
Getting some major love from Florio and Simms, good listen. Someone pinch me, please...
Getting some major love from Florio and Simms, good listen. Someone pinch me, please...
Wait we didn’t draft a QB.... ....? Oh right because we traded for DW... ... my badFlorio is among the most horrible people in talk radio. Listening to him talk is like listening to that kid in class that spits out nonsense out of nowhere. He was literally trying to convince Peter King that we are drafting a qb.
Getting some major love from Florio and Simms, good listen. Someone pinch me, please...