Helluva team report by Footballguys. | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Helluva team report by Footballguys.

Superself said:
Go ahead....read and comment!

Miami Dolphins Team Report

Dunno whats up with the title "Miami Vikings Team Report". :confused:

I stopped reading at "Miami Vikings" team report headliner.
What a couple of tools! :rolleyes:

I wonder if they picked the New England Yankees to win our division again....
Miami Vikings number one!!!!

Didn't the Vikings used to be the Miami Seahawks or was that the browns?
Why is it that Ricky is always same old Ricky -- the OLine is responsible for 2003 while with Jay it's he showed his true colors in 2003? I get not thinking that Jay was good enough for us even in 2000-2002, but it's just hypocritcal to give Ricky a pass due to the 2003 line and bang Jay for it.
Jimmy James said:
Why is it that Ricky is always same old Ricky -- the OLine is responsible for 2003 while with Jay it's he showed his true colors in 2003? I get not thinking that Jay was good enough for us even in 2000-2002, but it's just hypocritcal to give Ricky a pass due to the 2003 line and bang Jay for it.

Wow.... the reason is simple
Jay has always had a hand in how defenses play us.
I know this has been posted almost a thousand times so I don't understand why a report like the above would bother you.
Jay DOES NOT garner respect from ANY defensive coordinators.
He NEVER has and never will.
Ever since we got Jay teams have been stacking the line daring him to beat them and every year defenses used that strategy more and more. Why?
Obviously you take away a teams strong point and give it's weak link the opportunity to beat you if he can. Jay never burned any defenses with any type of consistency to make anyone fear what he can do. This isn't just last year, it's been that way his whole tenure here.
Last year the problem was just magnified because the Line could'nt handle overloaded fronts like it could in the past.

All I can say is GO FEELEY!
Like I said, I get why people would suggest Jay wasn't good enough even in 2000-2002. What you're saying is that you blame Jay more for 2003 because even though he was the same old Jay, there is more to hate about him. I don't get that at all. If you're willing to give Ricky a pass, you have to give Jay the same benefit of the doubt. After all, both of their games got screwed up due to offensive line woes.

This is also something I don't get about all these people who want Kerry Collins. He went through exactly what Jay went through and had equally unimpressive results...
FWIW: CHris Smith (Offense) is a Dolphin Homer while Aaron is a Bills fan.
Jimmy James said:
Why is it that Ricky is always same old Ricky -- the OLine is responsible for 2003 while with Jay it's he showed his true colors in 2003? I get not thinking that Jay was good enough for us even in 2000-2002, but it's just hypocritcal to give Ricky a pass due to the 2003 line and bang Jay for it.

You know, that's a pretty good point. :cooldude:
Jimmy James said:
Like I said, I get why people would suggest Jay wasn't good enough even in 2000-2002. What you're saying is that you blame Jay more for 2003 because even though he was the same old Jay, there is more to hate about him. I don't get that at all. If you're willing to give Ricky a pass, you have to give Jay the same benefit of the doubt. After all, both of their games got screwed up due to offensive line woes. ...

The difference is that Ricky produced when there we had a decent O-line regardless of the weakness at QB that caused the defenses to play towards our running game. Hence Ricky could carry the load with one weak point on offense. Jay was not one of our positives on offense with the decent OL or the bad OL that we had last year. The reasoning in my mind... which I agree with.... is that Ricky had 2 parts of the offense against him last year. Too much for any player to overcome no matter how good.
If you have a passing game that is so weak it causes defenses to sell out to stop the run then you better have at least serviceable OL to overcome that.
We had it in 2002 but not 2003. That is why they are giving Ricky the pass and not Jay because Ricky was the one producing when we had an OL and Jay has never shown he can produce at a consistent level.

There is every reason to think that if the OL is fixed Ricky will be back to normal and no evidence to support that Jay will be better with an improved OL when he wasn't anything special when we had one.

Jimmy James said:
This is also something I don't get about all these people who want Kerry Collins. He went through exactly what Jay went through and had equally unimpressive results...

As for Kerry Collins, I'm with you on this.
I'm not excited at the possibility of having him.
Trekbiz said:
The difference is that Ricky produced when there we had a decent O-line regardless of the weakness at QB that caused the defenses to play towards our running game. Hence Ricky could carry the load with one weak point on offense. Jay was not one of our positives on offense with the decent OL or the bad OL that we had last year.
i.e. Bills-fins game. RW 40+ carries for 3.5 ypc . Feidler 48% qb rating. Fins win, bills lose. :cry:
Boy that was a good read, I love what they said about McMichael, we sholud be much better on O, "Dolphins also have one of the most skilled young tight ends in the NFL in Randy McMichael who can decimate the middle of a defense if he isn't accounted for".
this year, yeah baby!
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I'm glad I went back to that well. I still don't agree with the reasoning, Trek, but I do understand where it is coming from now. You did a nice job there.
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