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Help me believe again!


2024/2025 NFL Superbowl Champions!!!
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Mar 12, 2003
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Maybe it's because Im still kinda new to being a diehard Phins fan (started getting the fever in '97), but I am down in the dumps. In my short time of being a fan, I have never seen a team start the offseason with so many unanswered questions. We don't have a QB for next season and no-one yet to groom. We have a first timer as O- coordinator. We have no QB coach. Marino's an executive running the show who's never been an executive running the show. Spielman is a GM who's never been a GM being advised by Marino who has never advised a GM or supervised a head coach. No running backs coach. A special teams coach who should be fired. New WR coach. Looming possible trade for Ogunleye(please trade him we need some O-line). The draft is coming and as of lat besides Chambers and McMichael we have sucked goat schlong at getting good players out of that. We'll end up getting rid of McKnight, OG, and possibly Thompson. But who will we get which Tony Martin/Dedric Ward/Derrius Thompson/James Mcknight is out there that inflated their stats during this past season so they can come here and fail to produce. I am bitter but I refuse to give up on this team. I absolutely love the Dolphins and am so tired of watching the playoffs and Superbowl without them in it!
we have a QB coach Mark Trestman - ex-OC of the Raiders. All you can do is wait out the offseason and see if Rick making decisions are the top guy ends up putting a NFL caliber O around Ricky in 2004 while keeping enough of the D intact. Our ST are good enuf even if they are boring on returns.
Ricky Williams

Solid D

Spielman will be great as our GM

Wanny is the main thing I'm worried about.
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