Herald: Dolphins’ logic of limiting Cameron Wake makes no sense | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Herald: Dolphins’ logic of limiting Cameron Wake makes no sense


It's Only Happened ONCE!
May 18, 2004
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Dolphins coach Adam Gase says he would like to use star defensive end Cameron Wake (yes, still a star) anywhere from 35 to 45 snaps every game, so already something is definitely amiss because in two games this season Wake has played a total of 45 snaps.

Wake is 34 years old and is still only 11 months removed from a ruptured Achilles’ tendon, so the Dolphins have wisely decided their best chance to keep him healthy and playing at a high level all season is to limit his snaps.

The Dolphins have also decided that because Wake is still a dynamic pass rusher the best way to use him in this new approach is mostly in passing situations so he can affect the other team’s quarterback.

So he can impact important plays.

So he could possibly change the course of games.

That’s where the idea of making Wake a part-time player comes from.

“We want Cam to probably have 25 to 30 rushes a game,” defensive coordinator Vance Joseph said. “He had last week probably 14 to 15 plays maybe [that were] all passes. The first week, the game, it was a little wacky with Mario [Williams] being hurt. Last week, it turned into a four-minute game. We’re down by three scores within the first quarter, so that game changed also.

“It’s week to week, but our plan is to play Cam 25 snaps on pass-rush downs.

That’s the plan. It hasn’t worked the last two weeks, obviously, because it has been two different games. But that’s the plan.”

And it’s a logical plan. It makes sense.

Except it doesn’t account for real life.

Somewhere from conception to execution of this plan, the analytics and sports science department had to have gotten involved. And now the plan to limit Wake gets a number.

That’s where the 25, 30, 35, 45 snap numbers come from.
(By the way, which one is it, anyway?)

And then someone decides because Wake is on a snap count limited to a number some computer program plucked from its chip-implanted innards, he must be saved for pass-rush snaps almost exclusively.

Joseph said Wake would not be utilized on run-down plays unless one of the team’s other defensive ends — maybe Andre Branch, Jason Jones or Williams — is tired.

And now the Dolphins have a full-blown over-think on their hands.

So in New England last week, in a game the Patriots mostly ran the football in the second half because they wanted to run out the clock and protect a huge lead, Wake played a grand total of 16 plays.

And all but two of those came in pass-rush situations.

That means when the game was 31-24 with six minutes to play and the Patriots mostly ran the football, Wake was as much a spectator as I was except he didn’t have any free press box food.

The game changer wasn’t in the game at precisely the time the Dolphins needed a game-changing play.

How does this make sense in the real world?

More at LINK: http://www.miamiherald.com/sports/spt-columns-blogs/armando-salguero/article103859491.html

Your thoughts...:ponder:
i think he needs to play more. havent been good upfront unless its him or suh causing trouble
My thoughts?

I think this article is a week behind.

Wake's snap count is 81 out of 244 or 33%. Sounds about right for the time being. Wake needs to be brought along slowly and can be utilized more as the season progresses. Too much too early and he just might end up on IR much like Tire Flipper extraordinaire JJ Watt.
I don't mind him getting his snaps reduced, Jason Jones isn't a bad player.
Part of the reason he's limited is that he isn't very good against the rush. If a team needs to run the clock out by rushing the ball, I not sure I want Wake out there.
Stupid article and a week late. Wake's never been very good vs the run and it's getting hurt all the time. The plan actually does make sense but games don't always turn out the way you want them to. It's not like we've been up by a couple of TD's where you can just get him out there knowing the other team is going to pass. Some of the people in the media think they know everything but they don't know ****

Ozzy rules!!
Stupid article and a week late. Wake's never been very good vs the run and it's getting hurt all the time. The plan actually does make sense but games don't always turn out the way you want them to. It's not like we've been up by a couple of TD's where you can just get him out there knowing the other team is going to pass. Some of the people in the media think they know everything but they don't know ****

Ozzy rules!!
Armando knows better, he just loves to stir it up
If Wake is fresh during the final five games of the season, then I will think it was a fabulous plan. We will have to wait and see. The article is very short sided and reactionary.
i don't think wake being in during the final drives of the Patriots game would've resulted in a game-changing plays...his type of game-changing plays happen on passing downs - exactly what the coaches want to save him for....

him being on the field for obvious run situations doesn't make sense unless he's far and away the best defensive end we have ready to go, against the run.
I knew this was Mando. Sure, let's make a player who's past 30 who just suffered an Achilles injury not too long ago play full time right now.
Reminds me of the old "Joba Rules" the Yankees had for pitcher Joba Chamberlain limiting his pitch count in an effort to prolong his career. Still ended up needing Tommy John surgery and was later traded away. Play Cam until his tank is on E!!!!!!!
What's the point? We can't give the guy even a little help with our pathetically basic defensive gameplans.
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