Herald: Griese to be #2 QB Next Week | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Herald: Griese to be #2 QB Next Week


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Feb 3, 2002
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Griese will be the No. 3 quarterback against the New York Giants on Sunday and, barring a setback in his return from a preseason toe injury, he will be elevated to the No. 2 spot next week.


Is Sage getting a raw deal?? What are your thoughts??
No I don't think an injury should be a reason to lose your spot. Greise is better than Sage and still needs experience. If the Dolphins have the Giants game in hand in the 4th quarter they should insert Sage.
Griese vs Sage

IMHO BG has gotten a bit of a raw deal. He has not gotten the play book down yet. He may come back with a much improved understanding and push Jay for the starting position. Our attack would benefit greatly if we could throw the deap ball. CC can go get it but Jay cant get it there. BG can. I see him as our starter next year.
Sage has gotten plenty of looks. I just don't think he is ready to be an NFL starter and he may never be.
Griese has been a starter and with some success. I hope he gets the chance to beat out Fiedler for the job.
And when to you expect that to take place.....we are in week 5 you know!!!!
Sage will get his chance next year to take the spot in training camp.

Right now I am pretty sure if we could protect Griese he could do the job for us easy. He picks apart defenses very well when he has time.
Re: Griese vs Sage

Originally posted by dreadlockera
IMHO BG has gotten a bit of a raw deal. He has not gotten the play book down yet. He may come back with a much improved understanding and push Jay for the starting position. Our attack would benefit greatly if we could throw the deap ball. CC can go get it but Jay cant get it there. BG can. I see him as our starter next year.

You think griese has a better deep ball than Fiedler?

Go over to Orange Mange and ask some Broncos fans what they think about Griese's ability to throw the deep ball. They'll have to really try hard to remember any.

"Griese getting a raw deal!".....that's funny.:lol:
Originally posted by RikWriter
Sage has gotten plenty of looks. I just don't think he is ready to be an NFL starter and he may never be.
Griese has been a starter and with some success. I hope he gets the chance to beat out Fiedler for the job.

Norv has gone on record as to saying that he feels Sage will be a starter in this league, and a good one at that. In fact, he looked better than Griese in the preseason. However, due to Griese's experience, he was given the number 2 role. There is no way I'd let Griese take over the starting job at this point. Jay is the better QB for this offense. There is nothing Jay does that Griese can do that much better to warrant benching the starter of the last 3 seasons......
Griese's deep ball is not fantastic, but is better.

Don't take any Bronco fans or Dolphin fans word. Just go watch an old Denver game. It will look like a sharp, decent armed throw. Not a flop pop-up to the end the world series throw like Jay.

Should Griese start? Only if Fiedler struggled and I mean struggled.
Originally posted by RikWriter

The offseason.

Griese will probably stay....I dont see them keeeping both with their salaries. Age is also a big factor! Lets just win the whole thing this year and worry about next year later!
I don't see Griese staying. Too often injured.
Originally posted by Muck
I don't see Griese staying. Too often injured.

Umm...hate to break it to you, but so is Fiedler. And his attempt to play with injuries cost us at least one game I can think of.
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