Herald's Jason Cole answers CK Parrotheads' question | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Herald's Jason Cole answers CK Parrotheads' question


town drunk
Club Member
Mar 14, 2002
Reaction score
Ormond Beach, FL

Hello again JC. I was just wondering why none of the local media publications give more detailed Training Camp reports. On message boards, some of the more dedicated attend training camp sessions every now and then and give detailed reviews that have hundreds, possibly even thousands (combined from all message boards) of internet browsers hanging on every word. Seems to me there's a market that isn't serviced and/or squeezed out of every drop of money possible enough. I know a lot of people wouldn't mind payin a small fee at the beginning of the offseason for access to a webpage that gave daily, accurate, professional training camp reports. Just a thought...
CKParrotHead (FinHeaven), Tampa, FL 8/07/03


We try, but we have to write other stuff. If that's all I had to do, my life would be pretty easy.

Jason Cole 8/07/03
There's another one after this one too.

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Q. There has been a total lack of information about Randy McMichael and his progress in training camp this year. Whats Up
-- Rick Thomas, Miami, Fl 8/07/03

A. Good point, we'll right something soon.

"We'll right something soon"??? Hoo boy! I is an English major! :stupid:

Your link sends us to the opening page of the question and answer session. Just for "no searching" purposes I'm going to post the other question.


Is the receiving action that Ed Perry has recently gotten a sign that the team might try and get away with keeping only 3 TEs on the roster, shuttling Marco Battaglia into the trash heap? Fom what I've seen personally, and heard from eyewitnesses, Battaglia has disappeared with pads on, and there's a few guys who must put roster spots at a real premium with the coaches (Billy Yates, Charlie Rogers, Korey Banks, Gadsden, Simmons, Tolver, Henry). Donald Lee has looked real good and it would seem to me if Perry proved he could be a decent emergency TE, roster spots would be better spent elsewhere than on Battaglia...
CKParrotHead, Tampa, FL 8/07/03


I doubt Ed is going to play much. Teams have realized that you just don't want to screw around with your long-snapper. If he gets hurt, it's a nightmare. Just ask the Giants.
Jason Cole 8/07/03
Way to go CK, big props for finheaven
Thanks. I didn't even know he answered them yet.

I stuck in the FinHeaven part because I mentioned the message boards and stuff.

Seems Cole would disagree with my theory about Ed Perry takin up Battaglia's spot. I do agree with him in large part tho.
Originally posted by DrAstroZoom
Q. There has been a total lack of information about Randy McMichael and his progress in training camp this year. Whats Up
-- Rick Thomas, Miami, Fl 8/07/03

A. Good point, we'll right something soon.

"We'll right something soon"??? Hoo boy! I is an English major! :stupid:

:lol: This guy's a real professional. :rolleyes:
Try to give him a break. He treats the question and answer session like a message board, answers like 50 questions a day and blazes through them real fast cuz he has to.
That sig is too funny. :lol: Can you say "TEABAG!"
Originally posted by ckparrothead
Try to give him a break. He treats the question and answer session like a message board, answers like 50 questions a day and blazes through them real fast cuz he has to.

As often as he writes I think it's a small mistake. As much I have distain for some of the writers, they do not have an easy job.

I kinda find this interesting ;)


I think the additions to the defense this year were major coup d'tats. However, the "phins" missed out on Peerless Price. What does the salary cap look like for the "Phins" next year? Any chance of them persuing a wide receiver free agent like Terrell Owens to line up opposite Chris Chambers. Plus, what big name wide outs are available next year besides Terrell?
CJ, New York, New York 8/07/03


No, they're way over the cap for next year. Getting a free agent like that will be nearly impossible. As for Price, the Dolphins couldn't make that deal because they didn't have a first-round pick. He also wasn't worth that money. IMO, he's just a very good No. 2 receiver.
Jason Cole 8/07/03
Originally posted by JackMeehov

Hello again JC. I was just wondering why none of the local media publications give more detailed Training Camp reports. On message boards, some of the more dedicated attend training camp sessions every now and then and give detailed reviews that have hundreds, possibly even thousands (combined from all message boards) of internet browsers hanging on every word. Seems to me there's a market that isn't serviced and/or squeezed out of every drop of money possible enough. I know a lot of people wouldn't mind payin a small fee at the beginning of the offseason for access to a webpage that gave daily, accurate, professional training camp reports. Just a thought...
CKParrotHead (FinHeaven), Tampa, FL 8/07/03 [/URL]

If your willing to pay the Sun-Sentinels fin insider reports send you daily training camp update insider articles about whos hot an whos not... and alot of great stuff. Membership is 29$ per year, you get teh weekly QA with Alex and alot more stuff go check it at http://www.sun-sentinel.com
Originally posted by ckparrothead
Try to give him a break. He treats the question and answer session like a message board, answers like 50 questions a day and blazes through them real fast cuz he has to.

Originally posted by Oliver

As often as he writes I think it's a small mistake. As much I have distain for some of the writers, they do not have an easy job.


Whether the guy is treating his Q&A like a message board or not, he's a professional communicator. It takes only seconds to proof a message before clicking "send."

Boy, am I a hard-a** this morning. Must need coffee. :lol:
yep I agree wit Zoom. No boddy shoold hav mes speld wourds in deir post.:laughat:
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