I want to take this time after working 6 days a week, to salute the 2005 Dolphins, and to raise my beer to the Miami Dolphin fans here on Finheaven! Much love to Finheaven for a kick butt sight, but most of all to my fellow fans for not giving up hope, and support for your team!:beerbang: To Mr. Enig in Scottsdale, Arizona, we haven't see eye to eye, but here's to 2005! To Crunchtime, San Diego will be full of Dolphins fans on Dec.11th! We may not win the superbowl in 2005, but it will be fun to watch the team kick butt, gain experience, and be the spoiler to teams shooting for the Super Bowl! To 2005, may it be a great year full of Tony Bua hits, and most of all a season Dolphin fans can hang there head high once again!:drinkers: