Here's what scares me...what REALLY scares me... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Here's what scares me...what REALLY scares me...


Why is there a watermelon there?
Sep 16, 2002
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No matter where I go, there I am.
"Wise bridles when people low-rate his troops. ''People don't remember what the '89 Cowboys built on, when we were together, Jimmy Johnson, Dave Wannstedt, before we won three Super Bowls,'' Wise said. He reminds that offensive lines are built more on -- no, not chemistry, chemistry is a high school course -- internal dynamics and continuity than stars."

We may have a talented group on our O-line. Maybe in 2-3-4 years that group is rock solid...but as Tony Wise says, the biggest thing that makes an O-line solid is continuity even above talent. And we've got FIVE guys who have never played together. Of those five, we've got no more than a couple of seasons worth of experience. So not only do we have 5 guys that don't know each other, we don't even have veterans to help ease the process. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm NOT bashing Rick for this. I LOVE that he got rid of the old wood aqnd started fresh. I do blame Wanny, but since personell is now out of his hands, what good does it do to blame him? I just have visions of the first half of the season coming out UGLY with O-line mistakes. I'm also afraid of what some of those mistakes could cost us. Blow an assignment and Feeley might take an unblocked LB's helmet straight to his chest. Blow an assignment and Ricky might get rolled on. I'm not as concerned about this O-line costing us games as I am about them costing us players. I hope I'm wrong, but I'm still going to be sweating out the first half of the season whenever the O is on the field.
You're probably not wrong, I'm afraid. I think you will see the line struggle for the first few games. The watchword for this group will be "patience".
I can see why anyone would be a little worry about this. I'm pretty sure that we have all thought about this. But like you said, we had to make the changes cos we weren't going anywhere with the other guys. The good thing is that we have young players that should be willing to listen to what Wise has to say and we have a back that can make things happen by himself.I think we're gonna see the o-line get a little more snaps on the preseason games than normal just so that they can get use to playing together.

Ozzy rules!!
Its a fair point. Remember though that the GIants recently went to the Super Bowl with five OL that never played with one another before. Its something to montor, but it doesnt mean that we cant overcome this...
I have felt this way for a while, and it's all part of why I didn't like the drafting for need in the first on Saturday. We just have to hope for the best at this point, though.
I just hope that they can settle on the starting 5 and their respective positions early in camp, and not be changing things the week before the season starts. Of course, I want the best 5 too, so if it means we have to shuffle, by all means shuffle...but that could mean that we start out rough with the OL play....
Be scared. Be really scared. :roflmao:

I'm sorry. I guess I don't scare that easily. Continuity and experience should never be undervalued...but, it should not be feared either.

We could always bring back Ruddy, Perry, & Nails. Nevermind, that would be scurry.
PhinstiGator said:
We could always bring back Ruddy, Perry, & Nails. Nevermind, that would be scurry.

Yup. It's going to take a while for these guys to get used to playing together, no question. However, they're only going to get better as they go along. We're going to have a DAMNED good line for the next 4-5 years, at the minimum, but it may take half a season for them to become really solid.
PhillyDolfan said:
No matter what happens it can't be worse than last season :cry:
ooh... I don't know. Be careful what you say. It sure could be worse. I am hoping it is NOT. I sure hope these guys gel right off the bat and we go out kicking butt. That is a tall order. Even the Giants team Surferosa mentioned... did well at the end, but the games were rough early in the season. Their D carried them. Which hopefully ours will do as well!
5 guys who haven't played together at all?

Smith / McKinney......all last year (Seth in 50% of the time it seemed rotating with Ruddy). That's 2 out of 5 guys right there that have played together. Then you add it Yates (pencilled now as RG) who already has practice time and some game-time in and now we're 3 out of 5.

I understand what you're saying and agree to a degree....however it's not like we just picked up our whole Oline from FA and the draft and they've never met, practiced or played together. As of now, we really have 2 new Oline guys coming in. LG and RT. If Carey picks up RT and St. Clair shifts to RG, then we'll have 3 new Oline-men. But...if they beat out whoever, then it's a good thing and that all remains to be seen. Do I feel 100% or 90% happy with our Oline...? no. Am I 'skarredd' etc. b/c all 5 starters haven't played together for 3+ years? No.
I'm not scared, I'm excited!! :eek:

This new OL in Miami is younger, hungrier, and IMO stronger than last years group of slackers we had. The addition of RT V. Carey, and OG J. James are going to be very solid new additions in 2004. Both are very solid upgrades IMO...

We all know that S. McKinney is ready to take over for the aging T. Ruddy at Center, and he did a very solid job filling in last year. He's ready IMO, and should be just fine as our new starting C....

As for the RG postition, that will remain the battle zone this off-season. We'll start whoever plays the best during TC and the pre-season. Most likely being either G. Jerman, J. St. Clair, or T. Whitey. I thinik any one of those guys should be just as solid as departed T. Perry. If not better....

I see plenty of youth, and depth this year as well. That is something this OL has been lacking, and I'm glad to see a boat load of OL players we have onboard to take into battle this year....

PHINZ RULE!!! :fire:
Yeah that is a concern. But hopefully if these guys are the type that Rick says he likes, then this should be mitigated by their work ethic and desire. Hopefully they all healthy thru camp so they can get the reps needed to get comfortable with each other. Well outside Mac who can watch and learn while rehabbing.
PhinPhan1227 said:
"Wise bridles when people low-rate his troops. ''People don't remember what the '89 Cowboys built on, when we were together, Jimmy Johnson, Dave Wannstedt, before we won three Super Bowls,'' Wise said. He reminds that offensive lines are built more on -- no, not chemistry, chemistry is a high school course -- internal dynamics and continuity than stars."

We may have a talented group on our O-line. Maybe in 2-3-4 years that group is rock solid...but as Tony Wise says, the biggest thing that makes an O-line solid is continuity even above talent. And we've got FIVE guys who have never played together. Of those five, we've got no more than a couple of seasons worth of experience. So not only do we have 5 guys that don't know each other, we don't even have veterans to help ease the process. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm NOT bashing Rick for this. I LOVE that he got rid of the old wood aqnd started fresh. I do blame Wanny, but since personell is now out of his hands, what good does it do to blame him? I just have visions of the first half of the season coming out UGLY with O-line mistakes. I'm also afraid of what some of those mistakes could cost us. Blow an assignment and Feeley might take an unblocked LB's helmet straight to his chest. Blow an assignment and Ricky might get rolled on. I'm not as concerned about this O-line costing us games as I am about them costing us players. I hope I'm wrong, but I'm still going to be sweating out the first half of the season whenever the O is on the field.

It'a always as concer, 27. But look at it this way, they'll learn and jell together. You could throw 5 seasoned vets together for the 1st time and still have the same kind of problems. But this is where superior coaching comes into play and the whole world knows where I stand on that!! ;)
DeDolfan said:
It'a always as concer, 27. But look at it this way, they'll learn and jell together. You could throw 5 seasoned vets together for the 1st time and still have the same kind of problems. But this is where superior coaching comes into play and the whole world knows where I stand on that!! ;)

I agree...but the biggest problem is the COMBINATION of 5 new guys AND 5 guys with little/no experience. That's what makes it really scary in my opinion. One things for sure...every Defensive coordinator we play against is going to throw every trick scheme he's ever heard of against us. I wouldn't count on our O-line facing a standard/base Defense all season.
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