CK is right. CK, Bommer, and KB21 do an outstanding job in the VIP room. It is definitely worth 24.00 to get access to read there great stuff, but it also helps out this outstanding site!:wink:ckparrothead said:He sticks mostly to the VIP room nowadays. He, KB, and I do a lot of draft analysis in there.
ckparrothead said:He sticks mostly to the VIP room nowadays. He, KB, and I do a lot of draft analysis in there.
nopony said:Can I ask you a question about the VIP room? (the only ones I familiar with involve's hundred dollar bills and broken promises - :wink: )
Is there less "Who's better Travis Daniels or Dejon Sanders in his prime?" and "If someone offered you a million billion dollars to put a Patriots bumper sticker on your moped, would you? TRAITOR!" type threads?
And is someone who is not convinced that Jay Cutler is 10% better than Dan Marino welcome?
cnc66 said:Danny, the last time Boomer was out here answering questions he was attacked and insulted by two guys until they got themselves banned. It really was sad. I think it is great that all three of those guys..and some others give so freely of their efforts and study. To bad a couple of bad eggs has to ruin things.
ckparrothead said:He sticks mostly to the VIP room nowadays. He, KB, and I do a lot of draft analysis in there.
cnc66 said:nopony you would be very welcome and would fit right in. The TOS is tighter for abuses but allows friendly banter. Right now there is more information being discussed than I can follow, the posts and comments are deep. There are some bright folks making comment.