Hey Guests... yea you!(merged) | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Hey Guests... yea you!(merged)


FinHeaven Lives
Sep 2, 2001
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
Hey Guests... yea you!

As of 10:00am on 8/4 there were over 30 guests on the boards.

You know you want to register... lol... :D

Your eyes are getting very tired.... you see a post that you want to reply to... but you can't.... no you can't.... and you really really want to.... so register... yes... register.

*FinheavenAJ snaps his finger, thus the guests wake up from their deep sleep and press the "Register" button. LMAO :lol:

:goof: :cool: :D
Hey Lurkers

If your a lurker, one of those people who read the posts but never actually post, please say hey in this thread or something. Its pretty weird knowing that there are people who never post but read what you say anyway, so just say hey. Also, please don't move this thread because this is the only forum that most people look at.
Just a question:

How come my name is always last on the "Users Browsing this Forum" list?? Just curious. ;)
Cuz you're the least important.

I think it's b/c you're the most recent.
Think about it... you come on to the boards... you are then the latest person to be on the boards.... ;)
LMAO... hey, I at least like to think I know... but at least it shows up... HUH!??!
God, I got dizzy trying to figure that one out A.J. lol.
Re: Hey Lurkers

Originally posted by iceblizzard69
If your a lurker, one of those people who read the posts but never actually post, please say hey in this thread or something. Its pretty weird knowing that there are people who never post but read what you say anyway, so just say hey. Also, please don't move this thread because this is the only forum that most people look at.

I am one of those lurkers. From Ohio so i always come here to check the latest news. Everyone here keeps me well informed and i appreciate(sp?) it. Also while i have a chance i would like to say to AJ and the other mod. and admin that you are doing a good job! keep it up.

Welcome Iryman, nice to finally hear from you! Anymore Lurkers care to join us here?
welcome a-board Iryman

and thanks :jumper:
Originally posted by Muck
Just a question:

How come my name is always last on the "Users Browsing this Forum" list?? Just curious. ;)

With a name like "Muck" where else will you expect to be, but last ! LOL Take care Muck. I couldn't resist. :lol:
Welcome aboard Iryman, nice to hear from you... and thanks for the compliment.... :)

Also, if you have any questions... please feel free to ask...

Make yourself feel like home...

C ya,
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