Hickey interviewed for Tampa GM job | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Hickey interviewed for Tampa GM job

Daytona Fin

Queeks Draw
Club Member
Dec 5, 2002
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Daytona Beach
This should put to bed the rumors that he couldn't even get an interview with his own team.

Andrew Abramson ‏@AbramsonPBP 1m

Also Hickey says he did in fact interview for the Bucs GM job. But it never leaked to the media.
it is truly amazing the amount of misinformation that is spread via Twitter
DAYTONA: facts have been coming in about all this since about an hour after hickey took the job.

all the , he couldnt get an interview with his own team, he was the last on the list and we got the scrums, the weird power structure, all these candidates who told the dolphins no [never even proven any were even offered the job and some if even they were contacted!], all being explained and debunked by the hour.

but, the haters are gonna hate. fact and truth doesnt go very well around here. people have taken this hickey hatred to levels unseen and FACT isnt going to sway them.

thanx though for posting this info. good to have it all on record.
So will the hater's heads just ****ing explode if Hickey ends up being fair to good and Licht ends up sucking? What if we got the good one for once? I'm not saying it's likely but what if?

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This should put to bed the rumors that he couldn't even get an interview with his own team.

It didn't leak probably because it was between Lovie and Hickey alone, prob on the phone or when they were around each other in the Bucs facility.

It just made no sense to me that TWO men that worked together for 5-years, whether they liked each other or not, that they wouldn't of had a discussion about some possible role for Hickey.
I am the farthest thing from a hater...but I really did not like this hire. I absolutely, positively hope he proves me wrong.
I thought I heard that during the address. Puts to bed some of the crackpot excuses as to why he may of been a bad candidate.
Notice how quite this thread is?

**** it I will bite! I live in Tampa and not one outlet has confirmed this, not Ira Koufmen, not Gary Sheldon the two major Bucs writers. Now for 2 days 620 wdae has run Hickey hired by Dolphins as intro piece it was talked about by Ron and Ian on the morning show and Steve Duemig in the evening and all of them have not backed off Hickey didn't interview. For what it is worth Ian Beckles is a former Buc and is close with 2 of their scouts Reggie Cobb and Sheldon Quarlles and Sheldon is the head scout and he is most likely to take Hickeys role. Ian and all the others have said the organization was going outside the current FO to find the new GM. When the Bucs made a statement it was that they were looking outside the organization.

You guys are bashing twitter etc, but yet you are all over Omar's tweet on this subject and frankly it came off as a slip of the tongue and was taken out of context so Omar could make a story.

The only Bucs media I can find to even address it pretty much said "whatever" and seemed to have more fun bashing Omar. (shocker)
**** it I will bite! I live in Tampa and not one outlet has confirmed this, not Ira Koufmen, not Gary Sheldon the two major Bucs writers. Now for 2 days 620 wdae has run Hickey hired by Dolphins as intro piece it was talked about by Ron and Ian on the morning show and Steve Duemig in the evening and all of them have not backed off Hickey didn't interview. For what it is worth Ian Beckles is a former Buc and is close with 2 of their scouts Reggie Cobb and Sheldon Quarlles and Sheldon is the head scout and he is most likely to take Hickeys role. Ian and all the others have said the organization was going outside the current FO to find the new GM. When the Bucs made a statement it was that they were looking outside the organization.

You guys are bashing twitter etc, but yet you are all over Omar's tweet on this subject and frankly it came off as a slip of the tongue and was taken out of context so Omar could make a story.

The only Bucs media I can find to even address it pretty much said "whatever" and seemed to have more fun bashing Omar. (shocker)

Are implying that Hickey lied?
Are implying that Hickey lied?

Im not calling him a liar to me it looked like he misspoke and was referencing a conversation he had, and Omar is calling it a interview. Why would the Bucs release all names but Hickey? Anyway if any of the Bucs guys try and dig it up my bet would be Steve Duemig he lives for controversy and was a huge force in the Anti-Schiano movement.
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