How about Jay Fiedler? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

How about Jay Fiedler?


Active Roster
Sep 3, 2001
Reaction score
Bay Area, California
Had only one bad pass all game. Made plays with his arm and legs. Had a few drops today also, if those catches were made, his stats would have been even higher.

Leads the league in QB rating.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Jay Fiedler is above average or better.

Get over it.
Originally posted by Dolfan984
Had only one bad pass all game. Made plays with his arm and legs. Had a few drops today also, if those catches were made, his stats would have been even higher.

Leads the league in QB rating.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Jay Fiedler is above average or better.

Get over it.

jay is a winner. plain and simple. hes not perfect. he doesnt scare teams, but thats why he is so good, he surprises teams with his abilities. he brings a dimension to this team that marino could not. i ownder how many INt's JF has thrown in three years compared to marino?
Jay played a very efficient game. Miami fans can't ask for more than that. Turners play calling has elevated Fiedlers confidence which inturn elevates his play. One bad throw to a wide open Gadsen could of put Miami in the position to put the nail in the coffin. He only had 18 pass attempts and I believe 11 of those were in the 1st half. I like the idea that Miami is running the better than they have in a long while but they have to stop playing conservative once they have the lead. More bootleg passes, a couple of more screens, and 1 or two shots down the field should have happened in the second half.
Anyone else think it was a wrong decision not to try to go down the field with 50 seconds left and 3 timeouts at the end of the 1st half? Miami had Indy defense on its heals. The Phins had enough time to at least get in field goal position
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