How about soem love for Jake Long.. | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

How about soem love for Jake Long..


Pro Bowler
Jan 25, 2006
Reaction score
I haven't looked at al lthe threads on here but lets give credit where it is deserved. After the 1st game vs Atlanta some of the people on here were calling for Matt Ryan. I think he was a beast last night. Freeney did jack shi* aganist him. The only sack he got was because Chad held onto the ball way too long. All night Jaws kept saying he would wear down Long. Well I guess he was dead wrong. Long was the number 1 pick for a how about it folks---Where is the love for Long and the rest of his O-Lines mates??/ :thanks:
I agree however many people thought Jake played terribly last night, so prepare to be blasted.
I think he just did his job. The play he gave up the sack on was not his fault. It was a busted gimmick play were Fassano was suppose to fake falling down, something that never should have been called!!!! My only concern is I saw 4 plays were Freeny had bull rushed him and knocked him over. This is a concern!
I think he was getting a lot of TE help...I wouldn't be jumping up and down about his performance...but at least he was better...
Jake Long deserves some love. He got it done last night. It looks like Jake and Justin Smiley might make a good tag team like in WWF wrestling if they keep working together. Smiley was there to backup Jake when Dwight Freeney was doing his spin moves and all that. I saw Smiley whack Freeney a couple of times good. Smiley is a tough SOB. Lets hope they stay that way all season long. Please, football gods, let them all stay healthy for the whole season. :)
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