how are you 12-4 and get blown out in the 1st round | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

how are you 12-4 and get blown out in the 1st round


Just one superbowl win just one
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
Northern New Jersey
I've seen it all..Jaxonville wins 75 percent of their games...and get blown out...I've seen it all...seen it all...I would fire the whole coaching would have put up a bigger fight
12-4 is misleading. They played Houston TWICE. Tennessee TWICE.

4 gimmie wins before you even start
With the exception of the Colts, they played scrub teams from October 30th on. Then early on, they won a few games that they probably "should not" win, against Cincy and Pitt.
their coach shoudl have stuck with girroad instead of putting in byron who did not play in over a month.

he blew it big time.

on a happier note, i won my 3 team parlay today from both the games today.
-skins to cover, skins/bucs under, pats to cover

Here were Jax's last nine wins this year:

Rams, Texans, Ravens, Titans, Cardinals, Browns, Niners, Texans, Titans.

Combined record: 38-106.
Leftwich was hurt.

3 of their defenders were also playing hurt, wearing casts. Can't grab anyone.
If Henderson didn't have a cast he would have made that tackle and that TE would haven't run in for a TD and the game would have been much closer.

Also Del Rio's headset was malfunctioning...of all the teams you would be playing, it would malfunction against just one; in the playoffs no less...hmmm...

2 forced fumbles bounced right to a Patriots player. As Phins fans we're used to that.

The Colts should still win the Super Bowl...if the death of James Dungy cannot bring that team together to win with all that talent, then I am 100% forced to believe that there is some sort of conspiracy or higher power helping the Patsies.

Probably Satan; no wonder Belichick walks around like he has no soul...he sold it!
Whoever Jack started, he was gonna get flamed when he lost. If he starts Garrard, its "Why dont you start your starter? What an idiot". If he starts Leftwich, its "Garrard was doing fine and Byron wasnt 100%. What a dummy"
No-win situation
lordryan said:
Here were Jax's last nine wins this year:

Rams, Texans, Ravens, Titans, Cardinals, Browns, Niners, Texans, Titans.

Combined record: 38-106.

Simmons was wrong here. They lost to the Jamie Martin-"led" Rams. They beat the Tommy Maddox-"led" Steelers, but, amazingly, needed an overtime pick-6 to do so. Maddox was so awful, people threw kids into his yard and taunted the garbage cans at his school, or something like that ;) , but Jax still couldn't beat them in regulation.
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