How did you become a Dolfan? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

How did you become a Dolfan?


Why not us?
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
Marietta, GA
This coming Sunday will be the biggest game in years for our beloved Dolphins and it got me to wonder about how I became a fan and got to this point. I'd be interested in hearing everyone else's stories as well. I'm sure there are much better stories than mine :wink:

I became a Dolfan back in about 1992. Growing up as a Broncos fan and an avid video game player, I naturally got into sports games with my older brother. The Sega Genesis came out and had the game Joe Montana Football. My Brother always picked the Broncos for John Elway. Well I tried the Bengals and they where simply terrible so I ended up picking the Dolphins with Dan Marino and started winning. I was hooked. As I got a little older, I grew to know the players and started following the games on TV and never looked back. My love for this team has grown every year since that day and can only get stronger with the way this team is headed. It was a long running joke in my family that my love for the Dolphins was like a marriage. No matter how many times they let me down, I always seem to forgive them when the next season rolls around.

Pretty lame way to become a fan I know but what can I say? I was a gamer first and a football fan second in those days. It's the same way I became a hockey fan to be honest. :lol:

So what is your story?
Hey I'm a First time poster but very long time reader. My story was just basically following my older brother. All my family are San Diego natives and my brother liked the Dolphins because of Miami Bass (2 Live Crew) it might seem a little strange but who would have known he would create such a following.

As mentioned living in San Diego I was surrounded by Raiders and Chargers fan and I didn't want to add yet another head in the running. Then I saw my brother a lone dolphin fan and decided to follow suit at 3rd grade. Well, since then I turned two of my cousins and my nephew into fin fans so now we have more dolphin fans in the family then any other team. Although I have never visited Miami I would love too. Maybe next year I will get to see them in Miami or if I'm lucky enough maybe they'll take a trip down here to Daygo.
I was born in Rochester, N.Y. and started rooting for the Fins because all my friends and family were Buffalo Bills fans! Caught a break when I was 15 when my family moved us to South Florida on a job transfer. Not only was I in Fins territory and got to go to all the games but I also got out of that dark, dreary cesspool of Upstate New York.
I lived in Georgia, and besides Atlanta Falcons, I was just very impressed by Dan Marino and that's the next nearest state so I became their fan, instead of Atlanta, cuz Falcons were not as impressive. Dan Marino and Dolphins were BETTER!

Yeah I LOVE the Cute Mammal Fish, and the teal color too.

But, Dan Marino was THE biggest reason. Since I became a Dolphins fan, I am a loyal Dolphins fan. :D

I am also a FSU fan too.
1970 Miami was the regional game we got here in south mississippi, grand pa got me started on football and we adopted the fins, in the early to mid 70s it was thrilling to be a fan , the dolphins were our team and they seemed untouchable in the nfl our last game we watched together was the miami san diego overtime thriller in the playoffs i was home on leave from the united states marine corps, my grandpa died a few years later leaving me a lone fin fan, in 1986 i was married and introduced my wife to the fins, and weve been cheering them together our whole 22 year soon to be 23 marriage. too us no other team matters but the miami dolphins
I was raised in the corning, NY area most my younger years! And as a fellow finfan already said most of my family also were bills fans. So the first game that i can remember watching was the SB against the skins. And to see that they were the champs, undefeated champs and most of my family couldn't stand the sight of them, that made it pretty simple!! It didn't hurt that my favorite color is orange. Anysways it's been along tuff road sense then, but I really do believe we have finally turned this **** around!! Go Fins!!!!
i actually can pinpoint this to the 1985 afc championship game vs the pats. growing up in patriots country, my whole family are pats fans. i was only 4 years old at the time, so i only remember vaguely... but i remember being at my grandfathers, they were having a party for the game. i just remember balloons and banners and lots of people. specifically one patriots banner that everyone was signing (found out later they were taking it to the game). of course i wanted to draw on this banner but they wouldnt let me so i must have thrown a fit. i decided then i liked the team they were playing against better and it just happened to be the dolphins. the earliest games i actually remember watching were from the 1990 season though and then i was hooked for good.
I don't remember how old I was, because I feel like I've been a dolphins fan forever. I was definitely a small child. I remember one day my dad was swearing at the tv and then he shut it off. I asked "why are you so mad, dad?" and he said "because the Chiefs lost." To which I replied "who did they play?" My dad said "The Miami Dolphins." I must have been a smart *** little kid because just to bust balls I said "That's my favorite team." Some how that stuck, and I'm glad it did because I couldn't picture myself being a fan of any other team.
I don't even know how exactly I became a Miami Dolphins fan. Growing up in Nebraska, everybody loves the Cornhuskers, and for an NFL team pretty much the flavour of the year. I can remember as far back as the 1993 super bowls, and rooting for the Cowboys even though I didn't like them, I wanted them to smear the frickin' Bills for whooping our (Dolphin) butts in the playoffs (I absolutely hated Jim Kelly growing up) and the Cowboys got it done. Because of that, pretty much everybody I knew were Cowboys fans - just like how all the youngsters now a days are Patriots fans.

There was a time where I tried NOT to be a Dolphins fan, and I started of thinking of teams to start liking... the Chiefs since they are nearby, or the Steelers..... but I then realized I hated everyone except the Dolphins, so I stuck with it. Until last year I was sort of a soft-core fan; I didn't really get too interested in researching players on the roster, potential signings, who would benefit us most in drafts, none of that. I just watched the games every Sunday, or Monday and that was it.

I was a huge Marino fan though, pretty much all Dolphins gear I've picked up is Marino related. I've got many different Marino jerseys, football cards, one autographed picture, figures/dolls lol. Have that all stashed in a plastic Miami Dolphins locker that I got for Christmas a while back.

I wish I would have found out about a lot earlier than March of 2008, I felt like I was a pretty hardcore fan until I began reading posts here. Glad to see there are many more passionate Dolphins fans, not just in Florida but all across the Country/World! I honestly thought I was the only Dolphin fan in Nebraska, but then again I don't go out so much.
How did I become a Dolphan?

It was easy. My Dad bought season tickets the year Shula was hired.

Dad was a big-time Baltimore fan and liked Shula alot.

We all grew to love him.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Coach!
Pretty simple. I was born and raised here in Miami and after I went to my first game in '93 I was hooked for life.
Pretty simple I was born and raised in Florida and my dad was a Dolphin fan from the day they came in the league. So for me there has only ever been one team. Back at that time the only Pro team in any sport in the state was the 'Phins, you couldn't pick (wrongly) from the Bucs or the Jags.

By the way, my boys are all Dolphin fans (4,8 and 15) and the 2 youngest know that the Pats, Jets and Bills are all evil!:lol:
When I was a kid and Miami was awarded a franchise,I became a fan-the first few years we were not very good-but I saw the early years when Shula came and turned it around.Sorta like now with the new regime!
I lived in Miami and I started following them more when I was about 9 years old, when my older cousins won tickets to a pre season game against the bucs and since them I've been following my team. now I live two hours away from the stadium yet I've been a season ticket holder for two years now! plus im getting my girl hooked up on them too! ha
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